MCM Funding
Regarding a Spiegels account they say is over 14 years old and bouht out - Spiegels have no record of this happening

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I recevied a letter dated 1/10/08 stating they purchased a Spiegel account and are the debt collector for an account over 14 years old! I have contacted them by mail telling them what Spiegels have told me and they don't care. They want $223.21. When I contacted Spiegels they don't have any account in my name or the recovery department had nothing ever showing an account of my mine. The sad part is I never had an account with Spiegels. I have been recieving calls from MCM on a daily basis demanding payment. And they are very rude and threatning. I have spoken to lawyers, BBB and they are telling me that this is bogus. Please help me, I am 75 years old and living on very little means and I don't need this. Thank you

Company: MCM Funding
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Diego
Address: 8875 Aero Drive, Suite200
Phone: 8008258131
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Company failed to deliver jacket I ordered nov 17 and lied saying it had been sent 3 times

CFB FINANCIAL III - Merchants Credit Guide - Spiegels
Fraudulent billing sent fictitious bill, ripoff

Fcnb - Mastertrust
Reported me as Deceased and with late pymnts. Never been late with a pymnt and showed as charge off also

FCNB - Card Processing Center
Ripoff, Fradulent Billing Hickksville

RJM Acquisitions
Claiming to be creditor for a bill from 13 yrs ago that was paid. Ripoff!

Spiegel, First Consumers National Bank, Card Processing Center
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Island National Group
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FCNB Spiegel

First United Consumers National Bank - Speigels
Cheated out of hundreds in fees due to company error. Payment address change due to restructor. Rip-off!

Card Processing Center (Spiegel) - FCNB
Card Processing Center (Spiegel) ripoff - never ending charges