Owner Gary Sells damaged goods and doesn't care about customers... Returning after many purchases or possible new business. The worst customer service I have ever experienced

Shops, Products, Services

After returning one item that was damaged, this was my response, and the owener, Gary's response is below... I think that it says it all... Shoppers beware!!!
I am a professional, which clearly you are not. I think you miss the point when someone buys several items, you handle them and customer service in a different way.
1. I did not mention in two letters to contact my credit card company, but solely in one.

2. You clearly sold a damaged item... Ask any furier about the moth marks on the sleeves, and never admitted it.

3. If you think that everyone is fighting to get your furs online, you truly are clueless and very arrogant. I have seen your coats sit, because I watch for them. They will sit until you have to lower them below cost... Woops...

4. I have worked with many companies before and it's built on trust and truly a mutual respectful relationship. It is sad that after purchasing two coats last year, and three (not including returned one) this year, you couldn't be pleasant, that you couldn't work with me to just be considerate and respectful. You just sound bitter and angry that your business is not doing better. Perhaps medication can help you.

Again, I repeat I have been very happy with the coats in the past and it is a shame that this has turned truly mean. Your female staff has been very helpful with the coats... You should be grateful to them.
DId you go to business school??? Didn't you ever learn that the customer is always right, and if you own a company, customer service is what brings you to the top?

I don't want to have a pi*ing contest with you, just an ammicable ending. Please send a check for the $205 even though you and I both know that you probably wouldn't sell any coae as easily as you think. I truly am sorry that business hasn't been good for you otherwise, you wouldn't be acting like this... For an owner, it is pathetic.

Just take one moment to look back at your notes to see how many times I asked for a phone call to discuss in a nice, calm manner... And look how I mentioned once about contacting AmEX... Know your facts... Good luck in the future. I pitty the sad and angry. I can truly say it's nice living a happy joyful, friendfilled existance, in which people respect me and don't think of me as a cheat... Can't say the same for you. Elana
Original Message
From: WebFURSmailbox@aol.com
To: enawy@comcast.net
Sent: Thursday, February 07 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: refund

Let's clear up a few things.

1. We emailed you a very nice email regarding the exchange for the item you wanted to exchage with item #5516.
In return. We get 2 nasty emails back from you threatening to call your amex card for a refund.

We were QUITE HAPPY allowing you to do an exchange until we received these 2 bizarre emails from you wanting a refund rather than the exchange you had initiallly requested.

2nd... We have made not 1 cent from you. You haggled us for a large discount on the 2 coats you purchased (which we sold to you at our cost!) We would be more than happy to receive our 2 coats back so we can sell them for what they should have went for in the first place which was $795 plus shipping of $30 for item #5703 and $350 plus $30 for shipping for item #5743.

We were nice enough to discount the 2nd piece from $350 plus shipping to $205 so that would make your total due $1000 plus $30 shipping.

Please send both coats back if you like.
We can easily sell them this time for a PROFIT not a LOSS.

Not to mention without the headaches.

Your call.
Just get be sure to return within 5 days or a refund is not possible.

Thanks again.
(and I am the boss.)

Biggest Grammy Award surprises of all time on AOL Music.

Company: Webfurs.com
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
  <     >  


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