Cleannet USA
CleanNet cleaned us out and provided not contracts

Shops, Products, Services

On August 2, my husband and I signed a Franchisee contract with CleanNet. On August 11 & 18 we attended training were we were informed that within 3-5 weeks of completion we would be contacted with out first contract.By September 22 we had not heard from CleanNet. On September 26 I CleanNet a letter requesting to termination my contract because services were not provided.

On October 1 I received a letter from CleanNet stating that I had to wait 120 days before I would be able to cancel or terminate my contract. On December 16 I wrote another letter informing CleanNet that I wanted to terminate my accordance to CleanNets owner manual once the Franchisee has submitted a letter in writing wishing to terminate their contract CleanNet has 30days to provide me with a full refund. On Janaury 7 my husband went to the CleanNet office to return the equipment we received and to find out the status of our refund. He was informed by Ed Lugo, District Sales Manager that we would be receiving our refund within in 10 days.

On January 21 I called CleanNet and spoke with Vanessa, the account who informed me that she had not received and termination paperwork. I left messages for Ed Lugo and Steve Tessier, Vice President and received not response. It has been 5 months since we signed a contract with CleanNet and we have not received the services they were suppose to provide or our refund.

Company: Cleannet USA
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Columbia
Address: 9861 Broken Land Parkway
Phone: 4107206444
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Cleannet USA

Cleannet Of Philadelphia - MKH Services
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Cleannet USA Of Dallas Ft. Worth
Franchise Owner Dallas Ft. Worth Area

CleanNet USA Oregon
Consumer Report

CleanNet Of New England
No Franchise Support At All

CleanNet USA - CleanNet of Arizona
Only promises


Cleaning franchise
Dream that became a nigthmare

Cleannet USA
Don`t business this company

Cleanet USA