Bernard Haldane Albany
Ripoff deceptive company Albany

Shops, Products, Services

My story is similar to many of those listed on this web site already so I will not be redundant. I signed on with Haldane because I was new in the area and they promised me unlimited contacts in the area.

This has been going on now for six months and I still have yet to see one company for which they have an actual contact. You do all of this research on your own and you find companies you like. Then you submit it to the advisor and they say we don't know anybody there. So I have yet to be on an interview as a result of their services.

The other line they give you is that you will be given a "professionally written" marketing brochure. All they do is have you answer some questions and have a secretary put it in order. There is no brochure, just what you wrote yourself on a piece of paper.

I would not recommend any of their services (or lack there of) to anybody in any situation. I signed on knowing that most of their services would be useless, but their contact "database" was interesting to me. Turst me, there isn't one. One of their higher ups told me to try and call a President of a company 20 times. That is not persisence, that is stalking.

STAY AWAY and save your money.

Albany, New York

Company: Bernard Haldane Albany
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Albany
Address: State St
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