Together Dating Services
Just Another Player on Lonely poeple's emotions!

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As noted by all the prior complaints, especially Linda's. This is the worst dating service ever. They take 4 hours out of your day to meet with a counselor and get all of this personal information from you. You walk into the Lobbpy area and they have a book full of "success" stories. Be sure and notice the clothing on the pictures of their matches. They are mostly from the 1960s or 1970s.

They have a lot of fillers in their scrap books and you really don't know if they are real people or not. First they tell you they will match you closely with someone according to your responses so that you will have like interest. They take your picture but say they are only using it for their personal uses. I think they look at the pictures and jsut go, "I think this person will look good with this one".

I also think they take pictures and make fun of their clients; because who they match you with is totally different from anything you've selected or imagined. I specifically stated I did not want anyone coming out of rehab. The 2nd or third guy I got... The first thing he said he was a recovering alcoholic. The 3rd guy said he had been out of the service about 6 years and was no longer what he called a member and he just got a call from them out of the blue. He had not paid in years and when he paid he only paid 200 dollars or less. They were trying to sell me a 10,000 - 20,000 lifetime membership.

When I got up to walk out (which I should have kept going), they started to negotiate down the price. One guy I spoke with stated he had moved in for a year or two with one of their matches and she wound up on psycho drugs and wound up being admitted back to the "mental institution". O

Ne guy kept saying "I'm not gay!". I never asked; but he kept insisting he was not gay!? I asked for guys only 6'0" or over. I got 5'11,5'7", 5'6"... It just kept going down. They also promised me I'd get 2 - 3 referrals per week... I only got 2-3 the first week; after that I did not hear from them for about 2 - 3 weeks... Then they seem to just pick whatever new candidate came along. They get very irate and demeaning to you when you confront them on any of this. They talk to you; like, you're the idiot for joining their services and they don't promise anything.

I went into this very emotionally drained in dating and have come out even more depressed. I stressed this to them and the intital two guys I talked to are no longer in the pictures. I have spoken with about 4 different reps in a 3 - 4 month time. This makes me believe they just hire anyone off the street and privacy is not an issue. If you are thinking of joining this service. Run run run. KEEP YOUR EMOTIONS IN TACK! Together is the worst service there is!

Company: Together Dating Services
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: San Antonio
Address: 613 NW Loop 410, #195
Phone: 2109792550
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Together Dating Service
Ripoff, Does Not Deliver What Is Promised In Contract

Together Dating Service
Ripoff False Advertising lies about number of available matches for me I am told there are 100's of matches for me! Big fat lie! 2 years later still I don't have my promised 13 referals

Together Dating Service
Total Ripoff! Never delivered any qualifying matches!

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