AccessUSA - MYUS
Thieving, Dishonest & Deceptive

Shops, Products, Services

AccessUSA / is a CMRA and receives mail and packages on behalf of subscribers and forwards same as designated by subscriber.

Included with merchandise shipped to AccessUSA is, obviously, invoices / receipts for said merchandise. AccessUSA would always hold these invoices and include them in the next subsequent shipment and not with the merchandise referenced in said invoices to avoid problems with customs duties. About 6 months ago AccessUSA came out with a new service whereby they would scan these invoices so that one could see them during the wait for subsequent shipments. At no time did AccessUSA destroy these invoices.

Just recently AccessUSA started destroying these invoices and not sending them at all to subscrbers without any prior notification. This caused a lot of of inconvenience as these invoices were not only necessary to prove ownership of the merchandise listed on the invoices, but also original invoices are necessary to justify business expenses. When I noticed that these invoices were being destroyed without my permission or without advance warning, I complained to AccessUSA and that's when they started to become really idiotic liars.

Soon into the discussion over the issue with AccessUSA, they cancelled my account and refused to refund a pro-rated portion of my $132 annual fee even though their Terms of Service stated they provided pro-rated refunds in the event of cancellation.

Fortunately, however, my credit card issuing bank chargedback the amounts paid to AccessUSA for annual fees and also monthly service charges for those months in which AccessUSA destroyed documents without my approval.

If you do business with AccessUSA, think twice. At least use a credit card so you can avail yourself of the protections offered credit card holders when AccessUSA trys to rip you off, too.

No wonder this company has a negative record with the local Better Business Bureau.

Company: AccessUSA - MYUS
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Bradenton
Phone: 9418272023
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