Free Puppy Listing Free Puppy Listing Says they have free dogs. You pay for shipping. And then some. And never get the dog

Shops, Products, Services

One person started the website and listed many generic pictures of different high priced dogs. He explains he is on a mission trip in Africa and has his dog with him. He will charge a seemingly reasonable price for the shipping of the dog. Then he later describes that before the dog can be shipped out you must pay $210 for a crate for the dog. Then he will later describe that you have to pay for an adoption fee of $420 but he borrowed $120 from a fellow pastor. Then he will give you a sob story and make you feel bad about the dog and he'll tell you shes running out of food. So you have to purchase more food. If you go to one of his dogs. Click on see sellers other listings. Hes got over 100 dogs in different citys and states, so noone catches on.

Company: Free Puppy Listing
Country: Namibia
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Texas Breeders, Leanna, please do not go here or purchase any of there dogs! This is a puppymill! Please do not purchase dogs from puppy mill nationwide

Mid Atlantic German Shorthair Pointer Rescue
Took cash for dog food from my son and denied it. Thief!

Carrie Herst
Breeder sells sick Pomeranians, and lies about there age
Puppy Scam/Sells dogs they do not have/Claims to be a veternarian as well

James M Barnhart

Coram Puppy Depot
Going to file lawsuit

Enchanted Ridge
The biggest RIP OFF and Puppy SCAM, Anna and Aaron Goodnoe are not to be trusted

Consumer Report

Golden Meadows Retrievers
Do not purchase a puppy from them!