Beehive Property Management
Jacob Beware of Beehive Property Management! Mesa, Chandle

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I received an unusual call from a guy named Jacob with Beehive Property Management in Arizona about two weeks ago wanting to talk to me about an investment property I bought there through the Marshall Reddick Real Estate Network. Normally I ignore or instantly discount any sales calls. They do frustrate me more than ever since I am on the do not call list.

Well this guy caught my attention because he used the name of the network and I have used Marshal Reddick and have enjoyed their services. I feel they are a great company and have made me a great return on my investments. I recommend them. I was instantly concerned because this guy in Arizona somehow knew I had purchased through the network.

So I started to ask questions. Where did you get my information? Its public record when you owner real estate was his answer. Well that may be but it does not have my phone number I refuted. I was able to take your information and search for a phone number through the white pages.interesting I said since I'm not listed and I'm on the do not call list. I was ready for him to hang up the phone but he didn't this guy had gumption.

He bypassed the question and went on to say that he knew that my property manager in Arizona was in legal trouble, had bad management tactics, was double dipping and was in complete breakdown on the verge of bankruptcy and that his company Beehive Property Management does a much better job and focuses on owner with 3 or more properties to manage like myself. He didn't use the management companies name so I asked what management company? He said Brewer-Caldwell. Again, interesting since Brewer-Caldwell hasn't managed my property for a little more than a year. I have had a family member in the house since then. I have no clue if the statements he made where true about Brewer-Caldwell.

What I can say is like Marshall Reddick I had a great experience with them and a great return on the property I purchased there. If I did not have family in my property I would have them manage it again.

Well, at this point I know this guy is full of it so I call him out. Are you kidding me 3 or more properties I only own one in Arizona and it's not even managed by Brewer-Caldwell I have family residing there and you got my information from public record? That's was a bad shot in the dark, where did you get my info I asked? He started to stutter and said sir I can see we are not going to get your business have a good day and hung up. That was really out of the ordinary. This whole call was out of the ordinary.

This peaked my interest and plus there where a lot of red flags in the conversation so I searched this company out. I could not find them anywhere. Most importantly I could not find them licensed with Arizona Department of Real Estate. The department has a public database online. I know you have to be a licensed broker to do property management.

Is this guy searching for information to steel identities or properties I don't know? I did not know who to file a report with accept with the Attorney General when I came out to Arizona to visit this week. I know that takes time and I wanted to make sure other investors see this company is up to no good.

Moral of the story Marshall Reddick clients BEWARE. I could not find this Beehive Property Management company anywhere and his information he relayed to me is completely bogus. I called Brewer Caldwell and they said they are ready to take me back as soon as im ready. So I wanted to post this in hopes that you search for Beehive Property Management and see that this company is NOT real. I don't know who this guy is or what Beehive Property Management is but it is clear his intention bad and I for one am not giving him my information or my account.

Company: Beehive Property Management
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
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