Sunmount Ddso
All these complaints, tells me something is not right there

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L have been reading all the reports on here from sunmount employees, my what a horrible place that must be to work, or to be a client there, as my child is. But of course when you go to visit? Weeell everything is all cookies and rainbows. If there are all these complaint's why is the state not stepping up here, l for one am concerned for the clients, if these people are not happy??? Calling the people there that they are CAREING for names??? Like "lesbian" "faggat" not nice people, so l figured something needs to be done here. To protect the clients AND the workers, so l made copies of all the complaints, plus this letter. Have have sent it to omrdd in schnectady and also the governers office in albany. So maybe they can check it out for everyone concerned. Sure hope it helps.

Company: Sunmount Ddso
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Tupper Lake
Address: 104 Park Street
Phone: 5183595911
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Corrupt State agency corruption cruel dishonest Sunmount DDSO should be investigated! Tax payers should know where there money is going!

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Sunmount D.D.S. O rip-off!

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Sunmount Ddso
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Sunmount DDSO
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Sunmount DDSO
Ripoff. Staff abused verbaly & physically. Sunmount scared Feds will pull funding neglected Direct Care Staff. Union NO help. Tom, Please don't leave us!

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