Banfield Vet
Vets are incompetent!

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Took an abandoned cat that I had adopted in there because she had diharrea for 3 weeks and something needed to be done. I have a wonderful vet but his clinic is a little far and didn't want to drive a screaming cat that far. Banfield was close so took a chance. They did some tests and couldn't figure out why she was having this problem. They gave me some cheap meds that I have used before on my dogs but the prices for this very common med were very inflated.

Anyways, paid my 150.00 (what?) bill and went on my way. Gave her these meds as instructed and she still had the runs. Took her to my regular vet and 73.00 dollars later she is all good. What a difference a smart and caring vet can make! These vets are the most incompetent bunch I have dealt with. 150.00 and you can't figure out what the problem is? I did get somewhat pissy with them over the, "Uh, we don't know what it is. Try this and come back if it's not better." For 150.00 dollars you should be able to find SOMETHING! I wouldn't recommend this place to anyone. Just wanted to tell my story.

Company: Banfield Vet
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Arlington
Address: Petsmart
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Just got screwed at Banfield

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Banfield Pet Hospital