Paul Weeks
Weight Loss Rip Off does not stand by his 100% Money back guarantee Online

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Against my better judgement I bought a weight loss system for $27 from the website The system did promise a 100% money back guarantee.

The system promises 'No gimmicks, No Starvation, No Workouts or Gym' when in actual fact, it consists of just a breakfast, lunch and dinner listing for each day with the option of a snack or two. The totally calories for the whole day are under or around 1000 calories.

These type of low calorie diets do not work for me (and many others) as my body just seems to go into starvation mode, and will han onto every gram of fat it possible can. Even if they did work, I can download the calorie amounts for any given food of the internet, I do not have to pay $27 to make a 1000 calories a day diet sheet up.

I wrote to Mr. Weeks who replied:


If you read through the diet you will find that I explain the program calories are based on the average individual and if an individual is more active or consumes much more it explains how to increase portions.


Which actually had nothing to do with my explaining how a very low calorie diet can send the body to go into starvation mode. I wrote back that I would prefer him to stand by the money back guarantee, but have not had a reply.

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Company: Paul Weeks
Country: USA
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