Select Info Systems, Select Information Systems, SIS
Insurance lead ripoff, scam

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I'm a financial advisor is NJ and this company contacted me back in March to solicit me for their "wonderful" and "amazing" life and health insurance leads. They promised to deliver leads every day, at a minimum of 20 per week based on their own marketing efforts.

Since we've all been burned by companies like this before, I asked as many qualifying questions as possible about their method of generating these leads, how old they are, who else would be getting them, etc. They gave me all the right answers but I was still hesitatant. Eventually, I agreed to give them a try and test out a small batch of these leads. It was a terrible mistake.

I paid them $500 in March of this year, and between March and June I received only 2, that's right TWO, leads from them. Even worse, both of those people had no idea who I was or what I was talking about when I called them.

It's nearly impossible to reach anyone when you call this company's main number (866-420-4267), you always get a voice mail system. I left countless messages between June and August, and never got a call back. Eventually, someone answered the phone and told me that to discuss a refund or problem with my account I had to call a different number and ask for Alice (866-419-2627).

Well, not surprising, that was another dead end of voice mails. Finally, after dozens more messages (I left about one every day for two weeks), I got a call back from Alice who explained that they would immediately process a refund in full and I should get it in about 2 weeks. Two weeks passed and no refund came. I called back and started all over again.

Finally, I reached Alice again and she told me I never filled out their refund request form! I insisted that she email it to me while we were on the phone, and she did. I filled out the ridiculously simple form and faxed it in right away. Still, two more weeks with no refund. Again, I eventually got in touch with Alice and she said I have to talk with Elizabeth who is some kind of Refund Dept supervisor.

The same thing again and again, eventually I tracked down Elizabeth and she admitted the company is filing for bankruptcy and she'd send me a refund as soon as possible. That was in mid-August and still no refund.

Even worse, now their main number is disconnected and the other number is forwarded to a different phone, I think it's a cell phone, (561-844-2450) that never gets answered.

Stay away from this company and do not do business with them. They are unable to deliver what they promise and you can never reach anybody there.

Company: Select Info Systems, Select Information Systems, SIS
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Delray Beach
Address: 601 N. Congress Ave, Ste 113-A
Phone: 8664192627
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