Zero Plus Dialing Inc

Shops, Products, Services

I just received my phone bill from BellSouth. While my daughters were visiting their father this summer in California they called me collect from their father's home phone. A 29 minute phone call was $59.04. They also called me from their Grandmother's home phone when they needed directions to their other grandmother's home, a 3 minute phone call was $21.60 and another 2 minute phone call was $20.16. This is a total of $110.88 with taxes, etc. Added. This is...

I tried to call both their 800 and 888 number and held over 30 minutes on each line with no response. I finally called BellSouth and they said that they could not remove the charges they would file a dispute with them on my behalf. I was also able to obtain a phone number for the FCC 888-225-5322. So now, I'm going to call them and see where it gets me.

Horn Lake, Mississippi

Company: Zero Plus Dialing Inc
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Houston
Address: 7411 John Smith Drive, Suite 200 San Antonio, Texas
Phone: 8883710734
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Zero Plus Dialing, Inc
This review is related to long

Zero Plus Dialing
Inc. Opticom ripoff! 3 minute in state call cost $17.71USD!

Zero Plus Dialing
Terrible experience

Legacy Ld Intl Inc
Scamming phone charges without notice. Consumer fraud ripoff

Zero Plus Dialing
Zero plus dialing this is wrong and something needs to be done

Zero Plus Dialing
Another Rip-Off by Zero Plus Dialing

Zero Plus Dialing
For Opticom ripoff by Zero Plus Dialing a collect call for 8 min was nearly $25

Zero Plus Dialing
Has monopoly in area, charged a total of $8.00 minute, nonsubscriber fee ripoff Internet

Zero Plus Dialing
Huge ripoff, fraudulant charges on phone bill

Custom Teleconnect - Zero Plus Dialing
Ripoff! Billed for non-completed telephone call