All bark, but any bite?

Shops, Products, Services

Ok... Feb.'07, I rented a Compaq desktop from RAC. Pyments were $30/mnth. I was working from home @ the time, stopped wrking from March '07 to August '07. Was making pymnts either early or on time. If I was late, I always called. There was one instance in April when I was only 2 wks behind, and I went out of town to get some $, guy named "Bob" stopped @ my house twice w / notices from them for me to pay up on a Sat. Went in the store that following Monday, paid $150, was paid up til May. Haven't had a prob since...

Decided to get a laptop in July, guy named "Will" gave me a dusty Dell that did not download or upload ANYTHING... Got it on a Wednesday, took it back that Friday. Guy named "Charlie" gave me a loaner, signed loaner agreement but I never got a copy of it. Pymnts on this laptop were $29.99;made my first pymnt for it on 7/21/07;nxt due date was 8/04/07. Called on 8/3 to let them know I wasn't going to be able to come in and make a pymnt, could it b nxt week? (I have always done this b4 when I needed to w / no problem)..."Charlie" said 'Well, can you try and bring in $18?' I told him there was no gurantee, and that I would try.

On the 4th, went to local college with my child and used the laptop there. Missed the bus home, guy named Harry (that's the name he gave me) offered me a ride. When I got out of the truck, he pulled out of my driveway and peeled off... I realized I had left the laptop in there (trying to get my child out of the car crying) but b4 this Harry peeled off, I tried to stop him by yelling and running towards the car... He didn't stop. This was Friday evening. Did not contact RAC until Monday b/c I figured the guy would realize the laptop was in the truck & return it...& RAC isn't open on Sundays. Cld Monday morn, spk to "Bob"; Told "Bob" what had happened; "Bob" said I could not file police report b/c RAC does not consider that stolen; it's considered lost..& that I would still be responsible for making pymnts; I said "no problem." "Bob" asked when I was going to come in & make a pymnt, I told him that Wed. If I could. Had surgery on Tues., had to pay them $85, so the 3 weeks that RAC was to get 4rm me, they had to wait for. That Sat., "Charlie" & another guy came to my home, & asked me did I either have the laptop or the $. I explnd to them that I told "Bob" on Monday what had happened w / laptop; "Charlie" says, "Well he told you to file a police report." I told him that "Bob" told me not to, b/c it wouldn't do any good; then "Charlie" agreed, saying "Yes, it wouldn't have done any good anyway."

He then asks when they can expect pymnt; told them I just had some surgery I had to pay for, so the $ I had is now gone, I will give it to them when I get it. "Charlie" & his co-worker left. Now, a week later, they have left a notice on my door (I am now due for $135.55) saying that if I didn't pay in store on 8/24 (yesterday), that they would file legal action tomorrow (today, SATURDAY, 8/25). Cld Magistrate in the city; Magistrate says that they cannot file on Saturday, and that there are no criminal charges that can be brought upon me in my county; and that if I told them what had happened, even though they do not consider it stolen, I should have still filed the report so the police could've checked pawn shops around this area. When I told the Magistrate that RAC told me that it wouldn't have done any good, the Magistrate told me to still go down there, and that "they are backwards; they are only a retail business, they cannot tell you what you can or cannot do." I also explnd to Magistrate that I am still willing to make pymnts on the merch., I just do not have the $ right now. Magis told me to go file that report, and not worry about RAC; they have certain procedures they are supposed to follow.

I have not been avoiding RAC; I am willing to make pymnts, just don't have the $ right now; nor is the my possession. Need to know from someone who wrks for them in legal or corporate office or who used to work for RAC or still does work for RAC: I know you ppl have ur scare tactics and all, but if I am still willing to make pymnts on the merch., just don't have the $ right now... Can they file charges against me claiming I stole it? (That's what the paper said that was left on my door).

Jacksonville, North Carolina

Company: Rent-A-Center
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Jacksonville
Address: N. Marine Blvd
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Option One Mortgage
Deceptive company

Rent A Center
Rent A Center wants me to file a stolen property report over an item taken by my estranged husband

First Consumers National Bank
Rip off! Overcharges, doesn't post pymnts on time

Best Buy
Best Buy Chesapeake Store - Laptop / Geek Squad

Charlie Reeves - Aries Automotive - Unique Auto Repair
Don't let this lier bully you... Call the police to get your car back

Poor customer service, employees not well train

Tawanda Thompson
Aaron's Refused their laptop and Wants to force me to pay

Lost, Lies and Google Earth - Claim Service

Mr. Fix It
Been waiting for three months and still haven't received laptop, but they took my money

Adams Arms - Jason Adams
Purchased a laptop, refuses to pay for it or return it