Arrow Financial
Ripped me off

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In I had minor dental surgery at Castle Dental in Beaumont, TX, now known as Lovett Dental. I opened up a Care Credit account and charged my portion to the account. The rest of the bill was covered with insurance.

My portion was $397.20. When I received my first bill from Care Credit dated 01/03, I noticed that the bill had a $1000 balance instead of the $397.20. I immediately contacted Care Credit and made a dispute. They did nothing. I called Castle Dental. They did nothing. I kept calling the office and they said it would be taken care of.

I made a payment in the amount of what I actually owed, not the amount that was charged. I paid my portion of the bill and no more. Care Credit kept billing me, and I kept disputing. I was being charged late fees, interest, and so on. I would explain to them over and over what happened. They just wanted the money, they didn't care. Months passed and the balance had escalated to a $1500 balance with late fees and interest and they sold my account to Arrow Financial.

Arrow started billing me, calling all times of the day and morning, threatening to sue, & garnish my wages. I disputed with them.

Finally in Castle Dental admitted mistake and paid the amount that was overcharged on my Care Credit account. Meanwhile Care Credit and Arrow had reported to all 3 Credit Bureaus that the accounts are charged off, settled, & past due 150 days or more. I want them off of my reports because none of that is true and wouldn't have happened without Castle Dental making the mistake. They are hurting me badly.

I would like these completely off my reports because it was not my fault. I paid in good faith, and yet I'm getting bad marked for it. It was Castle Dental that fraudulently charged the wrong amount. I have called both Arrow Financial and Care Credit and they both have been giving me the run around telling me to contact the other. I can't get approved for anything without a co-signer, and if I do get approved it is a very high interest rate. These marks on my credit reports are severely hurting me and my credit rating.

Company: Arrow Financial
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Niles
Address: 5996 W. Touhy Avenue
Phone: 8002790224
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