My Iproducts Imail
Scam artists! They're phone prompts you to press 1 on your phone pad only to start in the beginning again & again!

Shops, Products, Services

Back in March I've inquired my local phone company to remove the charges that were on my bill, which I NEVER signed up for! They advised me to phone the scammers (MY IPRODUCTS IMAIL) to request it be removed. I did, and upon speaking to a representative, they assured me that it would take 2 billing cycles to be removed from my phone bill.

It is now the end of July and it's still on my phone bill! I called my local phone service again, and they show that I phoned and inquired about it and suggested me to phone them back, which I did. Now, the scammers have gotten a bit smarter and installed some automated response suggesting to press 1 on my touch-tone key-pad, which only brings me back to the beginning of their automated phone prompt! It's just a never-ending circle that NEVER will take you any where but to the beginning of their auto phone response! I mean, why would I want an answering service when my own phone company already provides that if I so choose it?!

Help! I want my money back!

Let's sum it up, shall we? $14.95 X 4 months = $59.80 (and counting...). That's not including the 'Surcharges, Government and Tax' fees. Had these people removed this bogus charge of $14.95 the tax on my local phone service wouldn't be as much as it would be! That isn't much, but it does add up!

Company: My Iproducts Imail
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 4157598349
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My Iproducts Imail
Imail scam ripoff

Myiproducts Imail
Unauthorized charge by MYIPRODUCTS IMAIL

MyIproducts Imail
Billing my phone bill unauthorized for $16.00/ month Internet

Myiproducts Imail
Fraudulent billing ripoff

MyiProducts IMail
Without customer authorization, iProducts bills AT&T customers via Enhanced Services Billing Inc (ESBI). I was charged $14.95 for services that I never agreed to or even heard of. Ripoff

AT&T Wireless
Changing phone plan and numbercharged roaming fees $593

My Billing Services
Through my phone company they charged me for a service I did not sign-up for or receive

MYIPRODUCTS IMAIL Enhanced Services Billing Inc
Erroneously or fraudulently billed for voicemail service I never authorized

Myiproducts Imail
Unauthorized Charges On Monthly AT&T Phone Bill Michigan City

Enhanced Billing Services
VoiceXpress Aka ESBI Dba Billing Concepts ripoff Unathorized, Bogus Voice Mail charges added to my residential phone bill