Combined Insurance
Bull s

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Where to start. I was emplyeed at combined insurance in august of 05 thats when the hell started. I am a single mother and needed to make alot of money to support him. The sub regional manager told me I would gross 60 plus in my first year. I had to leave my son for three weeks and go to albany unpaid to get my licence (in which i did) Needless to say broke when I came out.

I worked in the field for about six months (untill 9 or 10 pm) and lost alot of time with my son just to make 300 a which I made more money waitressing just fyi. I was promoted to manager after this which is when my true hell started.

This was not a fun position by the way no more money to be had in this position just hassel. Being "in the field" was a big thing for my sub regional. No matter what be in the field and they did not care what you did to get there write a dog for all they cared. Why you ask. They bonuse 30,40 K every sixs months. Managers bonus tops 8K and that will be paid out eight months after you earn it. But if something you write goes down they will charge you the same week. So tell me why it takes so long to pay a bonus but you can take money from my pay the same week.

Here is a good one. My son was sick and I did not go to work my sub regional said "well i gave birth to my child and I was in the field the next day" (with your placenta hanging out?) Now she is divorced with two children in which her mother watches everyday cause her job means more to her then seeing her children grow up

I feel working for combined is like swimming in raw sewage with tampoons floating by you. Or maybe you are inslaved and all the top people are wipping you because they make over a million a year for giving up your life and being at there beck and call. I hate the company and hope they go down in a ball of fire one day cause I will laugh. All the "big wigs" go broke and loose everything cause thats what they do to there employees.

My advise if they tell you "limited seating" tell them to blow it out there a$% cause that means AKA no body wants to work here. Fact for every 100 people hired a year 7 stay WHAT DOES THAT TELL YOU?

Quit job 07

Company: Combined Insurance
Country: USA
State: New York
Address: Lathem
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