VoiceStream Wireless
Harsh treatment to employees Uncooperative unfriendly uncaring center Allentown Pennsylvania

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As an employee of VoiceStream wireless, let me just say how much I and everyone in our center hates our job. The depressing thing is, no matter where you walk, what you do, or where you sit in that godforsaken company - there is always someone who hates being there.

As a company who has been in Allentown/Bethlehem since Omnipoint days, it has been reported this is the only center where we're not allowed to have fun. Contests, carnivals, balloons - are all set around the center to raise morale, reminding us how childish they treat us despite how we feel. The sad part is? Someone is very likely to flip out with the stress in that environment..

Nationwide, centers surround the US to provide adequate customer service - most of the time providing wrong information, or rushed information because we're limited to 6 minutes on the phone with every customer. After the 6 minutes, we're forbidden to take a break and sit on After Call Work, because that too raises the 6 minutes we're allowed to "help the customer & get off the phone". During the day, we have to work to complete requests from customers, get back to customers, and then try and save them when they wish to cancel.

In this center, this corporate atmosphere - we are told that if we dont maintain stats, we're fired. We're given warnings, verbal documented or written warnings with the possibility of termination — for doing our jobs and helping customers. If we go over the 6 minute handle time, the 10 second ACW time, or the hold time we're given - we're written up, reprimanded, and some of us are even fired.

.. And you think being a customer was bad?

Customers with VoiceStream wireless get more than our employees. Be thankful when your phone is broken we offer a discount to replace it, an exchange to remedy the problem, and sometimes a free handset upgrade if you have been with us a while. As employees, if we break the phone or lose it, we're paying FULL RETAIL value every time. Some of those phones are $500, and to think, you as the customer get them sometimes for as little as $19.99 or for free. All we ask from you is, stay with us 1 more year.

The company has no team attitude, no team environment. The door closes on you the second you walk into the human resources dept, and you're criticized, laughed at. And so much for keeping it "all between these 4 walls". We have had center management harass us, say we could tell them something - and then report it to the nearest person they find to tell them "all about so-so who was just in my office". So much for security.

Here's where it gets good. Reps who are new to the company in some cases are barely given 7 months before they're promoted to manager. Some of us have been there 5 years, excellent stats, good training standpoint with the company, and are easily shrugged aside when they meet someone who was there a year, but had management skills in the local gas station/shoe dept. You as a customer - in MOST cases - are better getting a rep on the phone when you ask for a supervisor, because that supervisor may have only been one for 2 weeks, and doubts what they're doing.

Our company has the highest stress level. Some reps leave on Stress Anxiety, which apparenly isnt covered under medical insurance with that company. On more than one occasion I have seen women carted away by ambulances for miscarriages, nervous breakdowns, anxiety, breathing problems and so on. I have seen people escorted from the building for saying something listening ears have not liked, and I have seen managers, center managers, reps, and janitors get away with harassment and sexual harassment. Furthermore, I have seen people walk from the building crying, for fear that if they report these things they'll be looked down upon, questioned further, or asked to leave the company. I dont know many companies like this, but I know enough to think "What am I doing here?"

Being with the company over the 4 years that I have been, I have witnessed a lot, and been through a lot. I currently hold a high position as a manager, and feel insulted that they make us do what we have to. We are required to monitor 10 reps daily, run statistical reports, coach our reps, and take escalated calls - all this sometimes without a break. There are manditory meetings we dont get paid for, requirements we need to meet, and everything falls back on our team. Reps who call off, reps who dont show up, and reps who have a talk time of over 6 minutes give us an "f" on our report cards for the month.

Believe me when I say I have seen it all at VoiceStream. I have been through a number of changes, including the upcoming transition to T-Mobile. Rumors fly in our center that it will be shut down, and I as a member of this company am looking forward to it.

As a customer, please understand you may be treated better than some of us. I'm not saying the company doesnt have problems with service, coverage, plans and billing issues, but at least you dont get fired from your current job for talking to us on the phone over 6 minutes. Patience is a requirment, and in this company it's not even a word in the vocabulary.

Thank you for taking the time to view my report. I wish to remain anonymous for the sheer fact that yes, if my company read this and knew this report came from a manager - I would be let go. And all for an opinion.

What is this world coming to when people turn only on each other? Is life meant to be a corporation such as this?

CCR Supervisor

Company: VoiceStream Wireless
Country: USA
Address: Pennsylvania
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