Extreme Spells, Aka Spell Master Robert & His Circle
Fraud rip off scam artist attempted terrorist

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I, too, made this mistake... Out of shear desperation... The mistake of contacting this website. However, I suspected problems immediately, as I received no confirmation or correspondence from this so-called merchant, nor did I receive any confirmations from PayPal, upon placing an order for their "services". However, I did note that my charge card was billed 2 days later. Upon learning that, I did a little investigation... Which I certainly wish I had tried beforehand. 1- The Better Business Bureau of Michigan lists this "company" as "Unsatisfactory" (well, there's a clue). 2- I read all of this, from all of you!

I then contacted Extreme Spells and PayPal and requested immediate refund (now, we are talking within 2-3 days of my original order/request). How ironic - magically I THEN received correspondence from "Spell Master Robert" and "The Circle" (still nothing from PayPal). Funny - I, too, began receiving the threats and intimidation tactics you have all mentioned. Supposedly I should be sorry I have made enemies of them; I am a lost cause - no caster could ever help me, anyway; and, now I have an evil curse cast against me; oh, and they hope I have a great year because - I can rest assured - they have 'taken care' of me.

I saved all emails and contacted my card holder, who subsequently removed all charges from my account, and now my CARD HOLDER is investigating Extreme Spells, and PayPal.

I was amused. Therefore, my only two responses to "Spell Master Robert", his "Circle", and all the 'threats' and innuendo were as follows:

1."I have good friends who work for the FBI; I don't have enemies..."

2."Again, please allow me to mention I have daily contact / friends with offices of the FBI and Homeland Security; therefore, I would watch the veiled threats and intimidation tactics; the FEDERAL Bureau of Investigation has "far reaching" hands...

Not to mention, it's actually rather sad that you feel you must use these tactics over such a measly amount of money, which you never really had in the first place... Against a woman who just goes to work every day and is simply managing to get by in life (i.E. Not wealthy)... A woman whose only sadness in life is missing a long lost good friend... A soul mate, if you will... So she suddenly got desperate enough to try your website... Well, live and learn...

I do not care what it is you do in life; that is your business. However, I would say you simply go about your business, and that you let me go merrily about mine... No harm; no foul... And no further response is now required... Once again, best of luck to you all. I actually wish you no harm in life. Blessed Be."

I am getting my refund through my card holder; I do have friends with the FBI and Homeland Security - yes, he had better watch who he threatens (sometimes it's the wrong person, pal); and, I truly do believe it's sad-very sad indeed, that such totally bogus people are out there, who are allowed to develop websites, falsely advertise fraudulent services, steal money from hard working people via PayPal (if a site uses PayPal and provides no direct billing ability to your credit card - RUN FROM IT!), and they probably do get away with terrorizing/frightening alot of people. "Well, not this gal".

The FBI and our government should investigate them and shut them down.

Don't use this site, folks. DON'T.

P.S. Hey - I have new mail! I have just received more email from Master Robert and his Circle. Well, I'm not even going to bother to read their junk. I will only save these emails for future reference, if need be.

How funny!

Company: Extreme Spells, Aka Spell Master Robert & His Circle
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Roseville
Site: extremespells.com
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Extreme Spells, Aka Spell Master Robert & His Circle
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