Fradulant, dishonest, ripoff company sent me an empty box instead of the DVD I ordered

Shops, Products, Services

I ordered a hard to find DVD Song of the south. I was so excited to recieve the DVD only to open it and discover it was a empty box. On the web site they say they respond to all e-mails within 24 hours I have written 4 letters all with no response what so ever. How do we stop fradulant things like this on the internet.

Company: Div-Tech
Country: USA
State: Michigan
City: Alpena
Address: 486 South Ripley BLVD # 165
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Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Wide World Service
Ripoff dishonest ripoffs

Charged my credit card and never sent DVD Song of the South. Never answered my e-mails. Con artists!

Misleading, fradulant advertising

Usa Mega Direct
Ripoff do not cash their check fradulant

Qchex.com, Neovi
Facilitators of Fradulant Checks! Ripoff

The Billing Resource
Ripoff Fradulant billing to my phone bill. Had a hard time getting ahold of anyone

Tru Genix Hoodia - Hoodiaforfree.com

Charged my account—did not sent DVD—bogus response

Transformer World 2005 Tfw2005
Won't respond to anything, charged credit card months ago