Ripoff Promise not kept Service never met How soon they forget

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It is hard for me to know where to begin. I guess it would have been the time over 2 years ago when I sat in front of my computer with the installer sent out by Direcway and listened to him try to tell me that my computer was faster than the dial up I had been using. I wanted to believe because I had spent hundreds of dollars and had just cut down my California Redwood tree that I had grown from a sapling so that he could, supposedly, get the dish pointed at the proper satellite. Within hours after he had left my home I could tell that I had been taken. So let us jump ahead to the present. I have collected a stack of emails, letters, promises not kept, tracking documents, download/upload tests from different organizations, documentation of speeds, blowups, shutdowns, you name it from tracking my computer against the computers of neighbors, my office, my family. Computers on dial up, on cable, DSL, Broadband. You name it. When the dust clears, after all this time, I've been given names of service personnel who have either gone out of business or that are so upset with Direcway/Hughesnet that they didn't want to have anything to do with me. My computer is sooo slow uploading or downloading that I've started using it to time my 3-minute hard boiled egg. I have followed their HughesNet Technical Support instructions from people "overseas", from people on the East Coast, from people on the West Coast, been bumped up to the Advanced Technical Support team, I have enought ID case numbers to play the lotto for years and never repeat a number. I am so sick and tired of getting those "milk toast and honey" emails from the likes of Sophie, Briget, Amy, Ann, and every other sweet sounding name in the Baby Name book that I'm beginning to get sick at my stomach. Oh how they "apologize for the inconvenience" and "we do understand your concerns". We will "escalate your case" and "thank you for cantacting Huges Net Technical support". There have been some people out there who have really tried hard. Yes they have. I got a young man up around Sacramento, I believe, and he did everything he could. I was amazed at the places he took me inside of the HughesNet network. But, when it was all said and done all he could recommend was that he would "escalate me to higher technical support individuals" and he gave me another Case ID number. One time I got inside of the phalanx of phone numbers and started dialing and redialing the last four number in different combination and ended up getting some tech guy who was, quite frankly, wondering how I had come upon him. I started whinning over the phone on how I just needed someone to talk this whole thing over. I repeated the TV commercial for Direcway over the phone word for word and he started to laugh. Then he apologized. He asked if I had tried the 7000 model. I said the model I got was the most expensive one you could get a couple of years ago. If I can't get that one to move faster than a snail on a salt flat then why would I even spend more money on something else? He agreed. We parted friends. Yeh, you guessed it, I went out and purchased the 7000 over the internet. Noooo, it doesn't work any better. If you've got a hot rod roadster with no rear tires it doesn't make any difference what size engine you put in it... It's still not going anywhere.

TimeWarner Cable got the byjeezuhs sued out of it by customers in LA. Compared to Direcway/Hughesnet, those guys are choir boys. How come no one has started a lawsuit against these idiots at Direcway/Hughesnet? What do I have to do to sign up? Where do we turn from here?


Company: Direcway-HughesNet
Country: USA
Site: hughes.net
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Hughesnet.net, DirectWay
Hughesnet.net, DirecWay Charging high internet or trouble with Satellite disk and wants more money MyHughesnet

Hughesnet - Direcway
Hughesnet Formerly Direcway Nightmare customer service, slow internet, difficult to navigate tech support. Refused to give advanced support. Wants only to sell you an upgrade. Ripoff Internet

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Hughes Network Systems - HughesNet - Direcway Hughesnet price fixing. I work for a cable company and for the price I have to pay for Inernet I could get 10meg. But with Hughesnet all I get is 1.5. How is that Fair! Hughesnet if WAY over priced

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Direcway Now Hughesnet ripoff no doubt about the speed

HughesNet DirecWay
Rip off, no service, no customer service, no contact Internet

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Hughes Network Systems, LLC. HughesNet = Snooze.net: Overpriced and Underdelivers and Robs You When You Cancel Internet

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Ripoff fraudent billing


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Direcway Satellite Internet - Hughes Electronics ripoff Dis-Service has Ripped Me OFF! A Very expensive way to have internet as slow as DIAL UP! Technical service screwed me up worse than when I first called! My Ebay Does Not Work with Direcway!