Ripoff dishonest marketing and business practise

Shops, Products, Services

The "Bronze" Usa2Me PO Box offer for a one-off payment of $23 with no ongoing fees - initially looks like a good deal.

However, if you should ever like to add your wife's name to the box "for an additional minor fee" - you are in for a surprise.

Some clicks down and well hidden it transpires that this "minor addition fee" is actually $5 "per additional name PER MONTH", which equals $60 per year ONGOING.

You would thus almost be able to afford THREE wives per year, if they each opened their individual PO Box instead of being affiliated to your box with Usa2Me.

The fact that such a request implies a significant (more than threefold - and ongoing) increase in your Po Box cost - is kept more than low key. You actually only find out when checking your credit card statements. And suddenly, you realise that it would probably be a pretty good idea to double check the small print to see what other "services" your card could be automatically charged with by this con.

North Shore
New Zealand

Company: Usa2Me
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Humble
Address: 5715 Will Clayton
Phone: 2813617200
  <     >  


Their customer service is non existent and one of the people answering the phone does not seem to understand english well
Ripoff, Fraud

Perfect Rad anti rides Agios Domet CYP
Consumer Report

Mission ECommerce
In The Web, SEO, marketing campaign, ripoff web services! PAID but NO services delivered
Unauthorized Billing

Chase Bank
Hidden Fees

Capital Merchant Solutions
Credit card processor, merchant gateway, hidden fees

Idea arc Upcharging on pay per click advertising

Lease Source Inc
Warning regarding Credit Card Processing companies