Alar Corporation
Alar Staffing ripoff

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Cruel scheming dishonest fraudulent devastating placement in fraudulent job to pick up placement fees, frightening and abusive disregard for terrible and immediate firing with no chance to even understand or be informed of job duties which I was not in any way qualified for.

I was contacted by Megan Cate-Morgan of Alar Corporation for a job as an artist. I have been employed as a graphic designer for approx 7 years. She asked me to bring examples of my black and white artwork. I did this and was interviewed. I spent approx 2 hours filling out forms and took a test in Illustrator in which I missed 28 out of 30 questions. None the less she said I was going to have 3 weeks employment as a designer / illustrator at Oakley. I started the next day. When I got to the job site I had 2 hours orientation. I was shown by my supervisor to my computer. She was not prepared for me and seemed confused. She commandeered an employee's computer, handed me 3 pieces of paper and said do these. When I asked for an explanation she informed me she did not know how to do the job or could not explain what I was supposed to do. That would be another employee, Reina, who was due in any minute. Reina came in 2 hours later.

Meanwhile I had people checking up on me - how are you doing? I need someone to tell me what you want me to do or an example of what you need done so I can figure it out. The answer was best to wait for Reina to tell you as not to do unnecessary work. I was able to do the work and did complete some work. I worked straight for 8 hours. I was ushered out of the building by HR, told I was too slow and that "Simon said I was too slow." They did not say if they would rehire me. This was very devastating to me and if I had known I was not in anyway qualified for the job I would never have taken it. I was assured by Megan that I was perfect for the job. I did the job and was able to complete work and did not take a lunch or break and was met with dead ends when I attempted to try to figure out what I was supposed to do. I wanted this job very much and was excited to work for a company 5 min from my home in a "dream come true position". This has upset my family and they are angry at me for being so gullible and stupid. This is the only time I have ever been outright fired from any job and I was just devastated. Several different employees told me the job was 2 days at the most and were stunned when I told them that I was told it was 3 weeks. They had a big deadline and would not need anyone after March 23rd. I started and was fired on March 22nd.

Company: Alar Corporation
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Ana
Address: 1901 E. Fourth St. Suite 150
Phone: 7146773103
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