National Association For The Self-Employed
Deceptive practices and unscrupulious policies, with little or no actual benifits ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

This organization is a fraud! They exisit only to sell the useless insurance they offer! The salesman Mark Schuster was no help once we signed on, the insurance is a joke! When I contacted attorneys from their "network" to help me with a business issue the attorneys I contacted stated that they did not offer their services "free" one offered " I can write you a letter for $50.00" the other offered no assistance, the 3rd never returned my calls.

The final straw came this past week when I received a bill for 89.00 after cancelling on 7/31/06. After contacting customer service I was told I needed to send a letter to request a refund. After doing so I received a letter stating

I was not eligable for a refund because my cancellation was not in writing! I was never made aware of this at anytime during my phone conversation requesting cancellation!

This organization is a scam! Their services are misrepresented and their agents thieves in disguise! Don't be fooled by the "org." in their website they are crooks! When they claim to help the self employed but instead rob them of even the paltry sum of 89.00 they are indead thieves! I intend to complain to the FTC and the Div of Consumer affairs! Stay away from nase!

Company: National Association For The Self-Employed
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas Fort Worth Airport
Phone: 8002326273
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NASE - National Association For The Self-Employed
Hoax, liars, manipulative tactics, fleecing

Smartchoice Healthcare, National Association Of Private Enterprise, NAPE
Health Discount Scam targeting the self-employed and individuals with pre-exisiting conditions Ripoff

NASE / National Association Of The Self Employed
They STOLE from my checking account AFTER I cancelled membership. It took three trys to stop them!

The Mega Life And Health Insurance Company
Health insurance plan is NOT what they claim

PrePaid Legal Services
Ipoff Failure to Honor Refund Request

NASE Mega Life And Health
NASE / Mega Life And Health ripoff bogus health insurance

National Better Living Association
Deceptive Trade Practices

Carnet Fairmont Insurance Services
Fairmont Carnet Insurance Refund ripoff - the business that doesn't give a dam Llc
Ripoff, deceptive business practices, ripoff consumer rip-off fraud deceptive company consumer fraud ripoff

Mega Life and Health
New agent success not success at all