Advantage Capital
Ripoff, deceptive company

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I was contacted by Advantage Capital in December and set up a draft date of January 25 for $173.95 (including $14.95 s/h) from my checking. The draft didn't happen, so I called to ask why. The rep said she'd just input the transaction again and it should be fine. Once again, no dice! So I called AGAIN, and told them that I was losing faith in the company's ability, and against my gut feeling, asked to have the transaction done again. I was in need of credit repair, and their whole sales pitch was that their credit card was just the thing for it! My account was finally drafted February 02. I was told to wait 2 weeks for my "Package" to arrive, which was to include coupons, a cell phone from Ephone along with their info, stuff from Household Protection, and my choice of a few credit cards. Now, these cards were to be unsecured, fee free, and carry a limit of $2,500.00. That's NOT what I got!!! Ephone and Household Protection each sent me their own "packages" saying that they'd already started debiting my checking for their services, but that I could cancel within a short trial period. Those packages came later than the end of the trial period, and so when I went to contact them (which was an uphill battle in itself) I had to leap through flaming hoops to get refunded and cancel with them. Also, Advantage Capital's package took about 2-1/2 months to get to me. I was talking with a supervisor durring the whole fiasco with Ephone and H.P. About the trouble with them, and asking why my package from A.C. Was taking so long. He just kept saying sorry for the trouble and hang in there and that the delay in the post office was nothing to worry about because of 9/11 and the extra security crap. Ok. Fine. I told him what I'd been told to expect (fee free card with $2,500 limit), and how I was planning on using it to fix my credit. He said I'd been misinformed about the way their company works by the telemarketer who sold me this deal, and that my package was to only have leads to banks around the country with various card plans, etc... He said because of that, I was entilted to a refund of the full ammount (minus the $14.95 s/h) and that whenever the package got to me, I should send it right back to corporate to get my rund within 14 business days! Now, here's where it REALLY gets confusing! Corporate received my package back on April the package, I included my new bank info because I'd closed my account with the original bank that was drafted and the refund is to be electronic. I also called to make sure that the info was updated in their system and Emailed to Corporate. At that point I was told the refund would go through no later than May 17. It didn't. I called on 5/21,5/29, and 6/06. At that point I was told that my bank info had in fact NOT been updated, and so the rep input it into the system AGAIN, and said to wait 2 more weeks. I gave it 4! I feel I should mention that every time I called, an Email was sent to Corporate asking for them to contact either me, or the phone center so that THEY could contact me with an update. Corporate has NEVER called, Emailed, or written either me OR the phone center regarding ANY of this!!! Anyway, bringing this current, on July 11, I was fed a new line by the phone rep! She said that this was being sent to the Compliance department, and that they would call me in 1-2 business days. NO, again! Then on the 15th, another email was sent to the Compliance dept. With the words "urgent" and "ASAP" included in the request for contact, and I was asked to wait 1 more business day. Nothing! So again, on the 18th I called and was told that Corporate and Compliance are one in the same... BUT they had noted on my account to the phone center to tell me that the issue was "being resolved" and that I could expect a call that very afternoon! It didn't come. I called again on the 19th just for good messure. I was given a web address ( that I couldn't access. On the 23rd, I went online, and found this site, along with 2 others and read up on some complaints that sounded frighteningly like my own! I called the phone center again that morning and told the supervisor that there are a great many people online organizing a class action lawsuit against them, and that I was joining the fight. I asked him to please pass that info on to Corporliance for me sense I'm not allowed to have a direct line of contact to them, and they seem uninterested in contacting me. He said he'd email that to them for me, along with my USUAL request and that it should be no more that 2-3 business days before they call me. Then he read my bank info to me (just to tripple check it) and we found that it was still incorrect. He said he fixed it... I wonder if he did! What do YOU think?! KerryNew Orleans, Louisiana

Company: Advantage Capital
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Carson City
Address: 502 N. Division St
Phone: 8664160668
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Advantage Capital
Is a ripoff & gave me the run around each time I contacted them I was given a different answer by each customer service representative

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Ka Tri Centrury Program aka First Choice Consumer Card Services Household Protection/scam

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Huge fraudulent ripoff artists stole money from my bank account after i cancelled my account with them and before i even received any services from them dirty ripoff liars