Professional Printing Group
Ripoff, Would not refund for missed deadlines, nor terrible printing. Ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

Like any new business owner, I was excited to order my first set of business cards. I had a tight deadline in which to get these cards so I started calling around to find a printer that could offer me quality and speed.

When I came across professional printing group, I told them what I was looking for, prepared all of my graphics for them personally to help make their jobs easier. They said the cards would be done the same week and I'd be good to go.

As the time got closer to my deadline they realized they weren't going to have any of the cards ready, and offered to print some TEMP cards for me to take on my business trip. I found this a bit frutstrating as I was being forced to give potential customers sub-par cards. I did, however give them the benefit of the doubt and met up with the supposed owner of the company at a gas station. He rode up on his motor scooter, side note this should have been a tell tale sign, and gave me the temp cards.

These temp cards were very thin and flimsy, and I explained my concern about the final cards and that they be closer to color match and not as flimsy. He assured me they'd be much heavier stock and the colors would be much closer to my original graphic.

When I returned from my trip, some time went by and I kept contacting the owner. The cards still hadn't shown up and now I was getting nervous. I contacted Professinal Printing Group and was told they were on their way.

Eventually the cards finally did show up. They were completely colored inaccurately, and the entire stock was this nasty offwhite yellowish color. I immediately called the company and expressed my concern. I was repeatidly told this is what I ordered and I was stuck with it now.

I boxed up all of the cards and fedex'd them back to the company and demanded a refund. Professional Printing Group refused, and told me they would not issue me one. I contacted my bank and filed a fraud case against professional printing group. All items had been returned and they gave me a provisional credit.

I received a letter from the bank stating that the case was closed and the provional credit would stand. My guess is that a few months later Professional Printing Group (noticing the charge back) Called my bank and denied the claims. My bank, for some strange reason, took their word for it and has since deducted the amount from my account.

In case you are wondering what bank would do this, it's Washington Mutual, who has recently outsourced their call center to the Phillipeans. I think this might be the last straw for them as well.

Professional Printing Group has shown me they are anything but professional, and should be avoided at all cost. The savings, and empty promises of them should be taken lightly and I advise you to seek another company.

Company: Professional Printing Group
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Pompano Beach
Address: 2033 West Mcnab Road #4
Phone: 9549773737
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McDonald Printing
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