Patent And Trademark Institute Of America
Patent And Trademark Institute of America Basically took money for Part I (Prof. Eval) then needed more money fo

Shops, Products, Services

The PTI of American took money for a Professional Evaluation and Assment of my product which was Part I ($895.00). Then later ask for another portion for Legal protection patents, trademarks, copyrights. Depending on which one selected, there was a different cost. I chose the middle cost which was for $1495.00 (I made 2 payments).

Company: Patent And Trademark Institute Of America
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Garden City
Address: 400 Garden City Plaza Suite 100
Phone: 1886904332
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Patent And Trademark Institute Of America
Ripoff. Took my money, did not do any leg work for me! Roslyn Heights New York

Patent And Trademark Institute Of America
Mislead steal

Patent Trademark Institute Of America (PTI)
Patent Trademark Institute Of America, PTI, Took $5,500.00 from me. Case was filed, need to know how to get desposition

Patent And Trademark Institute Of America
It happend to me too! Rip off company

Patent And Trademark Institute Of America - Inventor's Help Line - Paul Kokoris
They rip off inventors. Not by stealing ideas, but by misleading or being dishonest about patent/trademark process and outcome

Patent & Trademark Institute Of America
Ripoff, took $12,000 from me with nothing in return

Patent & Trademark Institute
Company did not make final payment to the Patent Law Office as agreed in our contract

Patent & Trademark Institute Of America (PTI)
Rip Off Invention Company - Makes you believe they can help when they don't do anything except take your money

Patent & Trademark Institute Of America (PTI), Aka Inventors Helpline
Patent & Trademark Institute Of America (PTI), - Inventors Helpline ripoff, has done nothing and charged thousands, fradulant attorney

Patent Trademark Institute
Patent & Trademark Institute In The Same Boat ripoff