Collecting Fraudenlent Bill for BellSouth

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I moved to Mississippi from Michigan a year ago and called to order phone service. I continue to work from home for the company in Michigan thus I required four phone lines. I was told I would have to have a business account set up even though I wasn't a business owner. I was given the phone numbers and have been using them since. After Hurricane Katrina, I started receiving dozens of calls for a landscaping service. I do not own a landscaping service.

I received a bill from a collection agency, CBCS, stating that they were attempting to collect a debt for BellSouth advertising. This is where the nightmare begins. Luckily I have recorded their conversations otherwise I might think it was a horrible dream. I cannot believe the rude, harrassing behavior of the representatives at this company. I explained the situation to them and they called me a liar. I was told that I have to pay the $1200.00 bill and go after the landscaping company who had the phone number before. I was yelled at, cursed at, belittled, called a liar and treated with utter contempt. Never in my life would I have believed that a company like BellSouth would use this collection agency. I was even told by CBCS not to bother calling BellSouth for help. I told them I need to call someone for help because you surely aren't going to help me. I asked for verification of the bill and I was told I owe it so just pay up with a credit card.

Finally after dozens of telephone calls, BellSouth has admitted that the advertising bill was from 2004. Having lived in Michigan at the time, it was highly unlikely that I would have traveled over 1,000 miles to cut down any trees especially since I have never even done much more with landscaping than mow my lawn once a week. I was informed that when a company takes over a number, they assume they are going to benefit from the previous company's advertising so they just send the bill to the new person who owns the number. It's corrected since they know I didn't benefit from it and that the number "was given out too quicly" for the advertising department to catch up. I contacted CBCS and simply asked would I receive a letter from them stating I am not responsible for the debt and again, I was called a liar and told they are not going to do anything until BellSouth clears it up. Now, once again, I am at the mercy of BellSouth. The same who knowingly passed someone else's debt over to me and then to a collection agency. I truly hope that this site gives BellSouth and AT&T a glimpse into what they do to innocent people. While I may be just a number to them, I have to tell you that the stress caused by the bill and especially by the ignorance and rudeness of the representatives at CBCS makes me absolutely furious. CBCS should be ordered to cease and desist. I understand they are a collection agency and it can be a difficult position, but people still deserve respect. Not harrassment or to be called a liar and yelled and screamed at. I am 40 years old, it's been a long time since I deserved being yelled at. It's an absolute disgrace that they hire the people they do. One phone call had them passing the phone to three people and they sounded totally intoxicated. I could go on for hours about them, but I am sure if you are reading this, you have had your fair share of dealings with them. If there is a class action law suit filed against them and BellSouth, I would support that whole-heartedly.

Company: Cbcs
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: 5 E Long Street
Phone: 8885475222
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