Dream Smile, Learnrx.net
Fraudently charged our mastercard with electronic debits for merchandise. We have no idea how they got our card #. We did NOT order or receive any merchandise Ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

On January 17th we noticed 2 charges on our mastercard statement One was from "DREAM SMILE" for merchandise for $14.95 and the other was from "LEARNX.net" for merchandise for $74.95. Since we were not in the country at the time of these charges and the credit cards were locked away in our safe we immediately called the telephone numbers on the statement. To our surprise we got the same recorded voice from both locations asking us to enter our credit card numbers to continue with the menu. We did not do this but called mastercard immediately to report these fraudulent transactions. Well the credit card company made us jump through the hoops before agreeing to remove the charges pending their investigation. We were also told that another pending charge for $74.95 was in the system and that we would have to call and repeat this process every time we saw these charges. Apparently anyone can pick your pockets electronically as far as mastercard is concerned. If you do not check your statements carefully then it is your loss

Company: Dream Smile, Learnrx.net
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Henderson
Phone: 8003048447
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