Global-Link Lotto
Sent me a letter telling me that I won $120,000.00 and sent me a check for $1,998.00 and told me to call them at 1-204-887-4610 before December 14th Amsterdam

Shops, Products, Services

I was sent a letter in the mail, telling me that I won $120,000.00 and was sent a check for $1,998.00 to cover the the taxes on the money that I supposedly won. Not thinking otherwise, I called the phone number provided and after they congatulated me for winning, they hung up on me.

They did that several times and I got really angry several times, because I don't have long distance on my phone and had to use my cellphone. When I finally got through to them, they told me to take the check to my bank and cash it and go to a Money-Gram, but not at Wal-Mart and get a Person-to-Person form and fill it
out. But, they told me not to put it in my name, but to put it in my husband's name and send it to some place in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

While writing that information down, they hung up on me again. That's when I decided to go online and find out what the problem was with this company and why they kept hanging up on me. Now, I know that I've been scammed and need to do something about them.

I can't believe that they would do something like this to innocent people. I work part-time to bring food to my table and to help with some of the bills that we have. I thought if I won some money, I could pay my disconnection notices that I have and the eviction notice that I have. But now, I won't have anywhere to live and my disconnections won't matter, if I have no where to live.

How can they do this to us? I live day to day in a run-down mobile home that needs repair desperately.
I hope they get what they deserve.

Company: Global-Link Lotto
Country: Netherlands
State: Nationwide
Address: Heinburg55
Phone: 2048874610
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Global-Link Lotto
I was told I won $120,00.00 Ripoff

Inter-Global Lotto
I was told to cash the check and then get a money gram to send out I haven't done anything but made the phone call I check on here and saw that other people had been scamed Amersterdam

Global Lotto In Amsterdam
Rip - Off Lotto scam artist took 1,998.00 from me and my family during the holidays, fraudulent people Nationwide

Global-link Lotto
RipOff! Dishonest Lottery Scam!

Global-Link Lotto
I received a letter and a check in the mail and was told that i won 120,000 dollars. The check for 1998.00 was to pay the taxes with. Ripoff

Global-Link Lotto
Global-Link Lotto = con-artists who will take you for a ride ripoff Amsterdam

Global-Link Lotto
This is a SCAM Canada

Global Link Lotto Services Inc
Tried to pull a lotto scam

Global - Link Lotto
Global Link Lotto Free Lotto Promotion liar, rip off, scammers

British Random Lotto