Copeland Marketing
Ripoff Took money out of my account for services not received Promises not kept!

Shops, Products, Services

On a evenig in April I was contacted by Bill Knappes a representative of Copeland Marketing. He promised to show our time share and promised to get the price we needed to sell. He indicated he needed expense money to show the place. Against my better judgement and through many hours of reasuring me that he was not fraudelent I gave him access to our checking account in the amount of $600.00.

This is a large sum of money for us as we are in a bind to sell off some of our holding to keep from going bankrupt, so this was a hard decision, but felt it would help ease our burden and then beable to not file.

I have tried several times to contact someone at the no listed above and also emailed, faxed and have not received one reply!!!

I am pissed off and which I would have not let myself be taken it by him and his staff. I told them in my last fax to them if I did not hear from them soon that I was reporting them to the BBB of Florida. Alot of good that has done!

This is not the first time We have been taken in on a scam to promise us services that we did not receive. However that is another story to be told on another ripoff!

Company: Copeland Marketing
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Daytona Beach
Address: 1470 Int'l Speedway Blvd
Phone: 8002690143
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Copeland Marketing
Agreed to rent and/or sell our time share - took our money and claimed they never got the paperwork

Copeland Marketing Corporation
Ripoff Did not honor money-back contract

Copeland Marketing
Copeland Marketing Corp told me that they can sell my timeshare and paid them $400.00 processing fee

Copeland Marketing Corp
Has had my timeshare for 3 years, they called me everyday for a month to get me to sign up with them, and after they got my money, I haven't heard a word from them in 3 years. They are a rip off!

Copeland Marketing Corp
I paid copeland marketing $899.00 to sell my timeshare. They took my money and ran

Copeland Marketing
False statements and promises, dishonest, fraudulent representation of selling timeshare. Ripoff

Copeland Marketing Corporation
1-18-06 799.00 invested to the Copeland Marketing to sell our condo we had talk to someone about 1.5 years they said had buyers but they could not get the money up to buy the condo. Now we call and get no one

Copeland Marketing Corporation

Copeland Marketing Corp
Charged Advanced commission to list Timeshare for sale. Ripoff

Copeland Marketing Corporation
Ripoff almost ripped off