Charged me for services when I was not using them because my web site was not up and running Ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

PBNext is a telephone system used with web sites selling products.

It was actived when suggested by Auction Teacher mentors, but never used as the web site was not up and running.

I was charged $29.95 for months and never used their services.

When my web site was diabled and I tried to get a refund for services not rendered, they as much as said, "Sorry... No refunds".

I don't think they should be keeping money if services were not able to be used or at least a portion (50%) should be returned.

Company: PBNext
Country: USA
Phone: 8777726398
Site: adurben@new.rr.com
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Ripoff evrty month they take my money and the business dosen't grow at all nothing

Axin Financial Services - Irvine Webworks - Innovative Merchant Solutions - PBNEXT
A deceptive, fast selling business with fake unusable Websites, dishonest, fraudulent, selling scams that ripped off my bank acount for three years. Ripoff

Charged for services not rendered and goods returned

Z - Tel
Charges for services not seen chicago

Sequence Incorporated
Ripped off charged money fraudlent for services not rendered Ripoff Englewood New Jersey

Bad service

Strategic Financial Services
Told me that I had to pay in advance Charged me for services never rendered

Dental Plus Dental Ggroup
Aggressive overcharges for services!

Iconnect2it Does Not Pay For Services Rendered

Triumph Property Management