Littlefield Law Group
Kissimmee ripoff. They gave me a false consultation with an unqualified, no law experience family member of their office. We were ripped off to the tune of $ 8500.00 for absolutely nothing

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Littlefield Law Group Kissimmee ripoff. They gave me a false consultation with an unqualified, no law experience family member of thier office. The person tthat spoke with use had no law back ground, much less a law degree and we got totally lied to. We are fighting to get our money back with the Florida Bar Ass. And the law group. We were ripped off to the tune of $ 8500.00 for absolutely nothing.

We thought the person given the enterview was our attorney but we found out different at our first hearing. The attorney that showed up had no idea what the case was about. Unfortunately this was an emergency guardianship case in which was a life and death situation, so it had to handled properly the first time, because my childrens father died 1 week after the process began.

We were trying to have my son guardian for his father so that all the other family members wouldn't come and clean out his belongings, in which they were starting to distribute before he even passed away. The father did not have a will as he was only 50 yrs old. The attorney's said they hadn't lost a case in 30 yrs but this one got dragged out because the lawyer didn't know she was doing and it all became a disaster.

Please don't trust these attorney's if you value your money and always ask if the person giving you your consultation if they are going to represent you. Make sure they have a law degree and don't be mislead.

Company: Littlefield Law Group
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Kissimmee
Address: 721 Verona Street
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