MGI - NY Modeling Management
Ripoff quick to have you wire money! Then poof! They gone!

Shops, Products, Services

I am an aspiring modeling so I have some of my information logged with a few modeling websites, I guess that is where it starts, a gentleman called me to ask about one of the sites I had up and how my pictures were not professional. Then after a drawn out conversation, he said he was going to hook me up and look out for me, but first I had to wire money to an account.

Now I looked at the website and read all the information and felt that it could be believable. Well I immediately wired $250 to a name Mr. Lexx Stevens gave me, then months went by and I hadn't heard from him or his office, so I called and emailed Lexx. He was quick to call me back and let me know that I needed to wire an additional $100 to put the hole thing in motion. This way I would get a TFP (Time For Print) with a photographer in Chicago, so I wired the $100 to the so called photographer... And waited... And waited... And waited... No one has tried to contact me, let me know what is going on, what the holdup is or anything. Now Mr. Lexx Stevens is missing in action.

But just like the other modeling scams, they are not going to get away with this. I am personally traveling to New York to visit Mr. Stevens and his office and I'm not leaving until I have my money!

Company: MGI - NY Modeling Management
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Phone: 6465426014
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