National Magazine Exchange

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I was told that i could call and cancel my order and be refunded but when i tried they said that the lables were all ready printed up so the one payment i made could not be refunded. I canceled my subscription, now i keep getting magazines i did'nt order. And i dont want. I can live with the ones i did order but as of yet i havent recieved any of them...

Company: National Magazine Exchange
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 16120 U. s. 19 North
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National Magazine Exchange
Ripoff they never sent the ordered magazines and charged me anyway

National Magazine Exchange
NAM Marketing called me to tell me i was in debt to them for $1000 on a renew on magazines! Had to have my whole identety even my ss# i was wondering when they was going to ask what time i went to the bathroom

National Magazine Exchange

National Magazine Exchange, Reader's Exchang Club
National Magazine exchange is a rip off, they won't let me cancel and I haven't recieved what they promised

National Magazine Exchange

National Magazine Exchange
Consumer fraud ripoff deceptive company the business that doesnt give a dam

National Magazine Exchange
Ripoff tried to cancel like I was told I could do but now am told I can not

National Magazine Exchange
Just CALL the National Magazines Exchange! Florida

National Magazine Exchange NME
Ripoff I had subscribed thinking that it was a good deal and than I got billed for magazines I have not yet received

National Magazine Exchange
Ripoff recieved bill for magazines I didn't order, never heard about company until got bill of 154.44, have no credit card or no bank account which they requested that I pay the bill with