Jason Benjamin, Attorney At Law
Violates lawyer codes of conduct

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Jason benjamin, has been my wifes opposing council in a 2 year long court case. We just filed a complaint with the wa state bar association and filed a motion to have him santioned and disbared from the puyallup tribal bar association, for misconduct.

Some of that included, extortion, him commiting perjury, making false statments, and other violations of the lawyers code of ethics, he also caused his clients daughter to be takin away by cps when he refused to listen to his own client. The opinion by others in the legal profession of him is he likes to argue but doesnt know the law to well, do your self a favor and hire a attorney who has your best interest a heart not just taking up court time to milk you at $ 190.00hr but if you wish to hire him his add in the yellow pages said if your accused of child rape he has experts to help you win your case or minamize your jail time. Discraceful i know

Company: Jason Benjamin, Attorney At Law
Country: USA
State: Washington
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