Drugstore.com ripoff

Shops, Products, Services

I was emailed a link from colonize to go to drugstore.com and make any size order and get a free beach bag and accessories—also saw in freesite that new customers get $10 off their first order. So-i went to the site yesterday and made a $15 or $16 order and gave them all the informatioin. This was my very first time shopping online as i just got my computer. So-i was expecting the merchandise to be delivered in 5 to 7 days—no one notified me that the order was cancelled. Luckily, last night-i was figuring out what i charged on my card that day and went to drugstore.com to get the exact amount and found out the order had been cancelled. I could have been sitting here waiting all week for the stuff and never known—i need it as part of a birthday gift next weekend&they cancelled it because they do not want to give me the beach bag—so i said—just forget the beach bag—just send the stuff i ordered—but they said i have to go back and put the whole order in again. That would take a couple more hours to look up all that stuff again and put it in the cart etc—their site is so slow&they owe me the beach bag and the total order and i want it by next friday. They cannot offer promotions and not give them out. Thank you for all your help-warn everyone else not to shop there.

Company: Drugstore.com
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: online
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Drugstore.com, Beauty.com
Terrible Customer Service

Comerxia, Drugstore.com
Comerxia Drugstore.com took my 600.00 dollars but never delivered goods Internet

Go to Walmart or Walgreens

Drugstore/Synapse Connect
Drugstore.com/Synapse Connect rip-off - They billed me for something I didn't order

Drugstore.com not reliable, doesn't honor promotions

Drugstore.com Inc
Bad service, didn't mail ordered prescription

Drugstore.com Inc
They don't honor promos

Three weeks to ship! - shipping

Com Comerxia - International Online Store ripoff - My Order NEVER Arrived!

Shipping - shipping