David Kuzia - Hitech Rude, overly aggressive, pushy, money hungry, ripoff agency, over a year and no castings yet as promised by the company

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After getting a very urgent message from a David Kuzia, I called him back and he immediately started speaking rapidly about what they could do for me. Having been scammed before, it already seemed fishy since there was a fee involved for their services and he sounded like he was trying to confuse me. I begin asking them the following questions:

*Are you filed with the Better Business Bureau?
His response, "Of course not! The BBB is just a place that makes you pay $600 for them to say something nice about you!" He was EXTREMELY angry about me asking this question!

*Who are some of the very last companies you've worked with in my state, just so I can get an idea of who you'll be sending me to for castings?"
His response was totally evasive, and he responded by changing the subject to how he didn't like to send many people out at once on castings. I asked him the question two more times in a row, then realized he had nothing to tell me, and was trying to avoid the question to get me off that tpoic.

Finally, I told him I would need to know at least one company in my state they'd auditioned people for. He finally responded with the biggest, most obvious company name for my area. I told him I already worked for them and he said, "Well, I'm the VP of this company and we're always casting for things, even nationally." It made no sense!

David kept beginning every sentence with something about me giving him my credit card information. I have never felt so rushed and asked him if I could have a few minutes to look over the application and he immediately threatened to "delete my file" and that I was "wasting his time". I sat there dumbfounded—this was not how to build up a good rapport with someone who is about to fork over almost $400! I told him I would have to call him back; he was way too rude to deal with anymore. That's when I saw that a friend of mine was listed on their site. I hung up with David and called the actor friend who had obviously been tricked into being a part of their business. Here were her exact words: "I've been with them for a year and a half and they haven't sent me on ONE casting. And if I want to get any casting information from them, I have to e-mail THEM every week, and almost all of the castings are things I could have gotten for free from other websites that I don't have to pay for."

Then I google searched this company and found this website along with many many others, all telling the same story:

-All these men (I have a sneaking suspicion they're all the same 2 people, just using different names) speak rapidly like an auctioneer to the point of where they send you into a frenzy and confuse you into giving them your information before you know what hit you.

-They will tell you there's room for only 2-4 more people in your area, so you'd better hurry up and get signed up! They can even hold your billing information and wait to bill you for a week. I ended up hearing from everyone else that they told them that, too.

-They get defensive when you ask for background information that would confirm that they were a legitimate business, and they have no information to back themselves up. They also accused me of not having the money available, and turned the blame onto me.

-They will call you a million times, be rude to you, and sometimes even hang up on you!

-They ARE on the Better Business Bureau's site—but nothing good is said about them—their grade is an F and there are tons of complaints! See it all here: http://www.labbb.org/BBBWeb/Forms/Business/CompanyReportPage_Expository. Aspx? CompanyID=13158972&hAKAID=1&hAddrID=1

Any legit agency will NEVER ask you for money. Do not sign up with these people! You can get all their "casting notices" for free on much better websites.


Company: Hollywoodauditions
Country: USA
State: California
City: Woodland Hills
Phone: 8182519604
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Hollywoodauditions.com - David Kuzia - Hitech
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