JK Harris & Company
Ripoff This Company is a Despicable Rip-Off. Do not spend your money with them under any circumstances North Charleston

Shops, Products, Services

I could spend several hours writing about JK Harris and what a dispicable organization they really are. After reading the other comments on this page I must say that I agree with everything they have said. Do not deal with this company. You do not need the frustration, anxiety and heartache they will deliver to you. You have enough of that from the IRS.

Jk Harris will take your money and provide no service. They will get you into more trouble with the IRS than when you started. Run - not slow but fast - away from this rip-off organization. Don't be a sucker like me. Get the Picture?

Company: JK Harris & Company
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: N. Charleston
Address: 4995 Lacross Rd
Phone: 8888335156
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Harris Bank NA
Screwed by Harris Bank

JK Harris & Company
Thousands in fees for non-performance and repeated incompetence

J K Harris
J K Harris promised us an offer in compromise with the IRS. They took our money with no results. North Charleston

J K Harris

JK Harris
JK Harris Tax Scam

J K Harris
Stole our money. How'd they like to see themselves in the paper or on TV

J.K. Harris

Jk Harris
I payed them over $2000.00 and they did nothing for me. So i fired them and told them that i wanted my money back. And they said they owe me $198.00

Jk Harris
Ripoff Deceived Me Into Signing Contract

Jk Harris
Rip off consumers beware of jk harris