Union Credit Workers Services

Shops, Products, Services

I received a letter today that stated that I have been Pre-Approved for a Platinum Card membership. From my investigation, it is not a Master Card or a Visa, or any other retail card. It appears that it can only be used to shop in their catalog. They ask for $37.00 payment, that allegedly will be "fully refundable" with my first purchase using my $10,000.00 credit limit. There are no further explanations of a variable interest rate, or for that matter, must I spend $10,000.00 in order to receive the $37.00 for the membership. It sounds like the road is lined with red flags, as there is no phone number or anything other than a website, with failed to display the "catalog."

I think I will tear this letter up and send it back to them in the pre-paid envelope, and call it a day. Sounds like a real scam, and since I cannot find further information, except other complaints on the BBB ripoff line, it must be a total SCAM and a major Rip-off!

Company: Union Credit Workers Services
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 1327 Empire Central
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Union Workers Credit Services
Platinum Pre-Approved $10,000 credit limit, $37 annual membership fee ripoff

Union Workers Credit Services

Union Workers Credit Services
Union Workers Credit Union mailed me a letter stating that I ha being pre-approved for a credit card up to 10,000 limit and send $37.00 to active the card / membership

Union Workers Credit Services
Sent letter stateing I have been pre-approved for an exclusive Platinum Card Membership, 10,000 limit low 5% interest rate, $37 yearly fee - which I sent unfortunately to them

Union Workers Credit Services
$10,000 Credit Card Scam! $37.00 Fee for a paper credit card that is useless!

Com should be made to pay back all the money they stole and then some. Canada

Union Workers Credit Services
Ripoff fraud for credit card services

$10,000.00 "rip-off" credit limit

Union Workers Credit Services
Pre-approved Platinum Card Fort Worth