Precision Moving
Total scam and lies from the beginning ripoff

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We started our mover search a few weeks before the move due to time constraints. I put some of my information on one of those moving sites to get quotes. I was religiously turning down those that were out of my state. Robert Lopez at Precision Moving called me, and I let him know the same thing. He then told me that they had a load going to a nearby city. He said that they obviously did not want the truck to go back to Florida empty and would offer me a discount of $500 if I would take that route.

I looked at them with the BBB and there wasn't anything bad to report. After checking out some local companies, etc, we thought this was pretty much equal except the cheaper price, so i called them back and asked again about the truck coming from Painesville, OH since we were in Akron at the time.

Robert assured me it would be no problem. Also at that time I asked if we could pay with our Amex to which he asked someone else and said that would be fine. He took my deposit, and I thought it was all set. I just want to reiterate too that at no time was i informed that this company is merely a broker. Even their website shows a "precision truck".

The 18th (day of move) rolled around, and I was really surprised not to have heard from anyone the day before or in the morning. I started making calls to precision wanting to know what was going on. I was quite suprised to here from a company called A&M Moving who told me that their truck was stuck in NEW HAMPSHIRE. (There is no Painesville, NH; I checked).

So, they weren't coming until the next day. Fine. I was trying to be patient, but I was still wondering why my truck was in NH. I called and left a few messages with Mr. Lopez to no avail. He supposedly didn't get them, but my other messages abotu other things (when it had to do with getting my money) always went through.

The next morning, I waited until 9:30 or so, before i started inquiring about my truck. Again, I had to call and no one called me. I left message after message, at least 5 before i got a response. Finally, the driver for A&M called me and said he was just pulling into PA and that he would be there the next morning!

So I am two days late and extremely frustrated as my entire household is boxed up, I have no food, and my husband and daughter are in GA waiting in an empty house for me. So, again, I tried to call Robert and figure out what was going on. My husband called as well trying to figure out what was going on and why our truck was in PA when it was supposed to be so close. Robert didn't acknowledge he had said anything about a Painesville truck - he didn't deny, just ignored the comments we made about it.

It gets better.

I went with friends to dinner and at 8 or so that evening, Steve (owner, but didn't tell me that) from A&M calls me about payment. He is telling me he wants cash, etc. I told him that was not in my contract. I had given my CC# to precision for payment. I even told him he could process it right then and there and I would pay cash for any overages. He went on and on about how I must have misunderstood. So, I continued to try to get in touch with Precision that night and the next morning. I was furious.

Robert did finally call me back after 12 messages between me and my husband. The movers were at my house, and I told robert to tell the driver that the payment arrangement was the AMEX. I couldn't here him, but judging from the driver, I am assuming that is what was said. The movers loaded up and 15 minutes after getting on the road, they called my cell and told me it was cash even though it was all straightened out earlier.

I was again very upset. My husband got on the phone with precision and tried to figure out why we were going back and forth with all of this. Then Steve from A&M called and told me he had gotten a letter faxed to him from Robert and it would be okay. Good. I drove straight through to GA with no problem.

Next morning. We waited and waited. No phone calls. We tried to call Steve, Robert and the driver. Finally the driver called back and said that the clutch was out on his truck. Okay. We are already three days behind schedule, but they aren't willing to try anything to expedite this.

The first thing they said was we would get it Sunday, then Monday and finally Tuesday all in the same conversation. I was begging them to find me another truck, and no one was willing to do anything. Robert was on the line as well as Steve. Steve had told me early on that Precision was a broker. Robert told me that day that A&M was their "sister company". Robert hung up on me when i pointed out all the lies he had told to steal our money.

Then Steve changed his story and said precision was "not a broker but they throw work at us sometimes". Steve told my husband "we need to pull together during these types of crises". We were very upset. We didn't have hardly any clothes or any normal daily necessities. Steve told us to go buy whatever we needed, and he did not state his company or anyone else would help with that expense though he alluded to it.

It still gets better. Monday rolled around and I get a call from the billing person at A&M (really Steve's wife) who wanted to put my move on the VISA. I told her fine, but i didn't have the card as my husband was at work. Basically we agreed that she would call the next morning and get the number then. Fine. I asked her what had changed because steve has inidicated that the AMEX was fine and asked her to have him call me. I told her i was wondering if precision was putting the screws to him or whatever. At no point was i rude at all.

No more than two seconds after I hung up with her my cell phone rang and it was Steve. He said hi and started immediately screaming about how he was tired of my BS (said it) and my husbands BS and "your sh*t will be there tomorrow", and you better have F cash or "I'm locking up the truck, do you understand me??? I am the damn owner and I can change it whenever, do you understand me!?" I just hung up because i was mortified.

The driver showed up the next morning around ten and brought our stuff. I had my husband come home from work because i was terrified to let these people in my house alone. I just felt that if the owner was willing to treat me that way, what would the driver do? He wasn't rude or anything, but I felt very uncomfortable. My husband had to go back to work, and i was not going to be here alone with them, so i am stuck putting my tables and everything back together which is fine.

We are out a lot of money because of having to buy extra things just to live since they didn't show to pickup on time or deliver on time. (The delivery would not have been an issue at all had they picked up on time.) Oh and the reason the truck broke down was because the driver messed up the clutch because he decided to drive through VA from OH to GA instead of the shorter route across OH and down 75 where it takes you around the heart of the mountains.

Also I copied the paper that went to A&M from Precision. There was never a truck from Painesville. They outsourced this to A&M from the beginning as the date on the paper is the same day that i put down my deposit.

Bottom line is that Precision lies just to take your money and will not take any responsibility for the shady companies they contract out to.

Columbus, Georgia

Company: Precision Moving
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: West Palm Beach
Phone: 5612826723
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