Swift Transportation
Ripoff dishonest fraudulent encourages breaking of DOT laws

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Swift lies, they ruin careers before they can start, they dont listen, and that one armed terminal manager in Gary, Indiana is a snide condescending big pr*ck. His office door is NOT aways open and he strokes his driver managers for doing bad deeds. I hope hazmat, the DOT and that guy down in Arizona are watching you all very closely. Because money cant always buy everyone off. There are people in power out there somewhere that actually care, and I hope that they come forward soon and catch your azzes in your illegal doings and your wrongful treatment of employees! I highly encourage all that you are doing wrong to, to collect any and all paperwork and recordings and anything else to protect themselves, because when you paint them into quitting or being fired then they will be able to defend themselves. You cant be the biggest forever by treating people like sh*t. Some where there is someone in authority that is slowly compiling proof that you are breaking laws, and I cant wait to see it on the evening news when you all get hauled off to jail or fined so high that you are in the position you put your poor drivers when they dont get paid. And isnt it illegal to buy your own stocks before they rise really high? Even Martha Stewart couldnt get away with that! I informed the government and they told me that it was not legal as I did not have hazmat endorsements, and my dm knew I didnt also.

Company: Swift Transportation
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Gary
Address: 6500 Industrial Hwy
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