Northern Minerals - PayPal
Northern Minerals Rippoff Company uses PayPal to Help Them! Caution! Do NOT order from this Company! Products WILL NOT be received!

Shops, Products, Services

In September I used PayPal, supposedly a secure honest system to purchase cosmetics from Northern Minerals. I have heard many stories from them on why my product had not been received. Hospital, sick, surgery... No assistant to help...

Several times I was told that my product had been sent. When I asked for the tracking number I was told there was none. Several weeks later I received an e-mail stating they could not mail me my product because they "lost my colors". I replied that if they truly mailed them out... (mind you this is 2.5 months later) then they should have a purchase order. Now, they do not respond!

I contacted PayPal and they stated that there was nothing they could do. It's been over 45 days since they took my money, but they would "mark" Northern Minerals account. Sounds to me that PayPal should have some sort of liability! Especially knowing that other people have been ripped off by this company!

The only reason I ordered was because PayPal supposedly has ligitimate companies! Ha! They're a rippoff and a scam too!

My bank would have to cancel my Visa for six months for an investigation! This is my ONLY Visa!

This company has caused me much excitement and durress! Do not order anything from northern minerals! You will not receive their product! It's Amazing that a company like this is still able to operate on the internet! I want to see them ALL in jail!

Company: Northern Minerals - PayPal
Country: USA
State: Alaska
City: Anchorage
Address: 411 West 88th Avenue
Phone: 9073440106
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