Rochelle Gordon
Emotional manipulation used to sell bogus products Milford CT 06460-3400

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A few weeks ago I began to recieve emails from this rochelle gordon character. I had never heard of her before in my life and I begin to recieve emails from "her" and she is writting to me as though I were a great long lost friend who through the cosmic forces has forseen that things arent 100% in my life and because she is worried for me she has contacted me in this time of need with the sole purpose of helping me through it. I would skim over most of them catching that she supposedly offers the answers to every individuals wishes money happiness and good health, really now who wouldnt mind a lil more of at least one of them? I also noticed that she used love-bombing techniques such as offering supportive and encouraging advice, though not specific anyone would be able to relate.

When I was going through a rough few days I read one of her entire letters and in the a higher state of vulnerability I was in, believed (for a few moments) she was talking to me on a personal basis and that she had found me by fate. I was shocked to find myself falling for a few moments after having studied manipulation techniques used by cults and religion. I started to look more into her letters to further understand how I had almost begun to be sucked in. Througout the entire letter she continuously emphasizes that because she is your friend she is doing this, and offers a false sense of security and friendship, trying to make you feel as though you are very important to her, and saying that u will get through things together etc. Etc.

The part that got me even worse was at the bottom where the unsubscribe links are she has a message that trys to keep you from unsubscribing she addresses you by name and lays a guilt trip on you... If you no longer wish to receive any emails from me, you may click on the link below. But by doing this, Cassandra, it means that I will not be able to send you exclusive opportunities for offers and discounts or important updates on astrological events and how they'll affect you. To follow good Internet etiquette, once you've asked to be deleted from one kind of email from me, I'm required to stop contacting you completely. So, Cassandra, if you wish to no longer receive any emails from me, simply click here or send a letter to me at 167 Cherry St. PMB 292, Milford CT 06460-3400.

I havent tried to be taken off yet but I am sure she will try attempt to change your mind in some way. Where she got my email from is a mystery to me. I was not ripped off by them in any way as I didnt fall for their manipulative ways but their are people out there who will be sucked in by this, and all this improving health wealth and happiness is nothing you cant find in yourself, she feeds off of people who are at points in their lives when they are sad, rejected, stuck in a rut, getting out of a divorce, lost a job, death of a loved one, trying to stop drug/or drinking problems, and/or confused about anything in life. It makes me really sad to see that people get sucked into this kind of stuff, and dont even realize it.

Its not right for these people (and others) to take advantage of people in such a decietful way. I hope one day some one reads this and it helps them in some way even if it has nothing to do with Rochelle gordon and if it does then writtting this has definitely served its purpose

Company: Rochelle Gordon
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Milford
Address: 167 Cherry St. PMB 292
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