Raylene Van Worthless
Did you see "for entertainment purposes only" at the bottom?

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I happen to be cruising the web when i came across this site and laughed at all the submissions. I happen to be from utah, whereall the old folks live who happen to be targets for fraud andscams of all kinds. Most of the population here are wise to these rip off's, some are not (must of moved in from out of state). If your a channel surfer, like myself. Then you must of come across of one of those psychic infomercials. Did you happen to see at the bottom of the screen"for entertainment purposes only"if you have then you must certainly know that if you buy into this service... Its all in good fun! So what if they happen to guess a few things right and just astound the britches off of your a$. Its for your entertainmentonly. Anyone can change their lives with or without a pyschic, but the people that give them the credit for help changing their lives only needed the outside motivation to do it! If your mad... Then read the fine print next time! Lolno jugde is going to award you money with that kind of evidence bailing them out because you didn't read or see it. As for raylene... She hasn't sent us anything out here in utah... Is it because she is pyschic or does she know that we don't fall for that kind of crap here... Lolrobertsalt lake city, utah

Company: Raylene Van Worthless
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
Phone: 7015555555
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