Worldcom Wireless/MCI
Worldcom (ripoff deception)

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I got a Promo in the mail in March. So I called and eccepted. They sent my phone to the wrong address. About 3 or 4 weeks later I call to see what is going on. They tell me they sent it to the wrong address, but my credit standing had changed so they could not give me a phone. Well i got pissy with them and let it go. Oh, About 2 mths later I get a card in the mail from them says; We are sorry about the billing mistake but you will be recieving a billl very soon. (For a phone I never recieved nor even had the phone number) So I call, Well she said we had to have a pnone number so call back when you get a bill. (calling back is almost impossible) When i got my bill with my phone number. I called these people 13 times (over about 2 or 3 months) and got throught 4 times (with a very long wait and calling one right after the other) And 3 of thoose time they told O. K we will fix this. I mean I talk to supervisors and the hole bit. Then, 6 mths into it I have a 200.00 dollar bill for a service that I can't use with no phone and I have repeatedly called, yet still they are billing me. So I decide well I'm not getting anywhere this way, so I'll take a different rout. So I called and demanded that they gave me the serice after they told me they would'nt and they were going to give me the phone. (Boy, Did I mess up. I did'nt know what I was getting into) They tried to tell they could not do that with out me signing up for another 12 mths. REALLY PISSY!!! I said OH, No! My contract is up in June and I will never be so glad. (I think I said that 5 or 6 time to 4 or 5 different people, over about 3 hours/1 phone call) That took alot of arguing and several hours on the phone, but 2 mths later I got my phone and they credited almost everything but like 20.00. From then on I have had PURE HELL, they charge me roaming from and to my home, and all the surrounding area. I have to go atleast 20 or 30 mile away from home to not be roaming and they have even charged me for that. Every month or 2 I have to call spending 2 opr 3 hours on the phone, arguing and holding for another person. Sometimes they do what they say and I get credited and then half the time they say they will credit this much and don't. So I have to call them times over one bill to get them to do what they already told me they would do 2 mths ago. And just to prove how crazy I am, about a mth into this (before i knew what a ripoff they were. They sent my husband a phone in his name. Without asking or even inquiring. And stupid us, we kept it. So we are getting double the ripoff...

Mike or Sandy
Leander, Texas

Company: Worldcom Wireless/MCI
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
Address: PO Box 5211 New York, NY, 10087-5211
Phone: 8002548991
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