CCA First National
Credit Service Division Rip Off's, Fraudalent, Lier's and Scam Artist's! Do not trust them! Found quicker solution to cancel thanks to former employee PLEASE READ!

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3 days ago i received a first national card in the mail. As you all know the promises and the rest of the bs it says. Stupid me, fell for it and it looks like i'm not the only one. After activating my card friday night i decided to look them up on the internet. Thank god i found what i did... This sight! After trying to call and just get busy signal, no answer ect... I went through all the reports on this sight about them and wrote down all the different numbers i found. All and all, i found about 10. All busy, or no answer. Thanks to one report by a former employee i found a somewhat quicker solution and i didn't spend all day on the phone. Maybe 20 or 30 min. But it got done.

Here's what you do... I know it seems like alot, but belive me it works!

1. Call 18006421760 around noon mountain standard time on a weekday. I got right through. Choose the cancelation option that pertains to you. It will then ask for card# phone# and zip code so u can get a member id #. Do everything it says to get that id#. Then hang up. They'll say don't hang up, but you'll be on hold forever. No one ever comes.

2. Next, once you have member id# call benefits and card service manager: rinetta 702-732-2184 her secretary valerie will answer. Tell her that you want your card canceled and if there are any charges to your account you'll call your lawyer. Be rude about it!!! Give her id# you just got. She'll then tell u a supervisor is going to call you right back. Say your in a hurry and need it done now and need to call right now. Hangup and wait for call. Don't worry they do call back. I waited less than 5 min.
3. When they call say you want to cancel. They are going to ask why, and try to offer u more deals. Say it dosen't matter why just cancel it! Be rude! Cut them off every time they talk! With " i don't want to here it, just cancel it!" say it over and over untill they transfer u to there supervisor. Do the same thing again. Be rude and don't let them talk. Keep saying you want it canceled right now you don't want to here it threaten them with your lawyer. Most important thing it keep interupting them! Don't let them say more than one word.

4. Eventually they'll get the point and cancel and give you a cancel #. Don't take there shit!!!

5. Close your bank account to be safe!

Hope this helps.

Company: CCA First National
Country: USA
State: Nevada
City: Las Vegas
Address: 1050 E. SAHARA BLVD
Phone: 8002698969
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