Ripoff and misleading

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Well I have a few things about the pathetic cellular service called Sprintpcs. I had them a few years ago and when my contract was up droped them. Well the past Jan i went back with them mainly because of their low deposit, I guess I forgot how crappy they were.

Since Jan it has been pure hell, literally. First I got my phone from the local Radio Shack. After one day I noticed it died kinda fast but wasnt to bad. Well 3 weeks went by and it got worse, so I went into RS and they gave me another battery, well 3 more weeks same thing, so they concluded that it must be the phone, it was so bad after 1 hour standby time and it was dead. Well I went back in RS and they said I could return it to be fixed and do without a phone for 3-4 weeks. No, not gona happen.

Or I could pay $50 to get a used phone and wait like 2 weeks. So I was paying for insurance on a new phone to pay 50 bucks for a used phone? No thanks. Which I thought you payed 50 bucks and got a new phone equal to the old one, I was wrong. Well anyway I went back home and took the battery off and saw a "remanufacture" sticker on it, hmm I thought you get a new phone when you sign up.

Well I called Sprint and they said yes you should have gotten a new phone. So I go back to RS and they tell me theres nothing they can do. So I go back home with a used broke phone that I have had for about 2 months. I call sprint back, and they argue that it is not their problem its RS's problem. And RS says its sprints problem. Well I fight with sprint over the phone for about a week and nothing gets done, I get put on hold numerious times and then hung up on, supervisors suppose to call back and they never do.

And they finally tell me not their problem. Although I can see thier point but it is their service! And I do beleive their name is on the phone. RS is just a seller of their product. At least they could have contacted RS and got things corrected. But no nothing, so finally the manager at RS gives me a new phone like I should have had in the first place.

Everytime I turn around I am getting bogus charges on my bill, and I beleive using less minutes sometimes then they say I do. I had gotten the "roaming" plan. Customer Rep tells me the plan is $5 and says it will stay 5 bucks as long as my roaming minutes doesnt exceed half of my total minutes used for the month, well I get and use it then I get my bill, I have about $150 in roaming charges on it, I call them and they say no the plan only included 50 minutes of roaming... So Im screwed again.

And with no releif, I have requested services be taken off my account and next month they still be there, I called recently to dispute my bill and of course auto sent to collections and asked to get transfered to customer care and 3 times end up right back at collections, them wanting me to pay money for something they cant even explain what its for, I think not. So finally I get over to customer care and speak with someone (someone who can actually speak english also! Wow!).

She tells me I have over 1000mins of internet use... Hmmmmmmmmmm that on the 16th at 10:30pm i got on the net and stayed for 600 mins. So thats till 8:30 in the morning!!! Lol i think not... And on the 19th i got on and stayed for 450 mins... Hmm clearly something isnt right here. So I finally get a Supervisor (after "losing" connection several times) he tells me part of my extra charges was for those outrageous net charges, and the other part was for some bogus pro rated charges for next months bill??? Something I have never heard of and he really couldnt explain to me, at least to my understanding, so he turned me phone back on and gave a "temperary" releif as he called it, but I still have to pay these bogus net charges.

Look this is just a few things there are more, it is always something with this pathetic company, and btw if you dont have sprint, never get them! And also if you see their lying commercial that has the U. S map and in red is their service area, OMG! That is such a lie, near the whole west doesnt have service, they suck all around and up and down! Stay clear of them or you will be trapped like me and others!!! Im not alone, I thought I was because I didnt know anyone else having problems with them (mainly because I do not know anyone else with Sprint: P)

Company: Sprint
Country: USA
State: Louisiana
City: Baton Rouge
Site: sprintpcs.com
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