Opticom Operator Services
Ripoff Opticom Trouble

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Back in November, 04, we received a bill on our SBC regular account for an operator-assisted call we allegedly received in October. Upon checking when the call was to have been accepted, it was on a day that I am at work and my wife was doing her volunteer work. We protested to SBC and got this removed from their bill and placed a block on our phone. We contacted Opticom and told them that (1) my wife and I work on that day; (2) the only collect calls either of us have received in the past year was a friend while in the hospital in a different city; (3) we have no one else in the home and no family living in the area; (4) no friend had our house keys; (5) there have been no break-ins; (6) we know no one living in that city [7] we wouldn't pay this. Since this time, we have learned they are supposed to notify [before a call is accepted] what the basic charge is. We would have definitely remembered being told their obscene charges. Also, virtually all of our friends and family have cell phones. Well, letters have flown back and forth; and they are not budging. Yesterday, my wife called and two annoying things happened: 1. When one calls the number given, it requests the credit card used or the billed telephone number. She punched in our telephone number. "I'm sorry, we're unable to locate the account information you entered." Then she was told to re-enter the information. She tried again and was told "Thank you. Good-bye." Click. When she tried it again, she pressed "0" and also tried "#." She found another number on line and was able to get into the billing department and tried again to reason with these people. They wouldn't budge. So, she asked for the address for the agent for service of process. The operator said that she would have to contact their headquarters in Indiana. She told them that they are to have one in our state. And he told her to contact the PUC. My wife told him she wanted to talk to a supervisor. He said he did and to contact the PUC. End of call.

Company: Opticom Operator Services
Country: USA
State: Indiana
City: Carmel
Address: 801 Congressional Blvd
Phone: 8008761300
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