Law Offices Of Roni Lynn Deutch
Ripoff, Promises Tax relief, takes your money, then tells you they can't settle your case

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I am another in the long, long, long line of victims of this law firm. I had a tax bill of $85,000 stemming from my divorce. Like all the others I was taken in by the promise of settling for less than $85,000. I was promised by my "salesman", Rich Jacobsen, that if I was qualified by them, I would definately settle for less than $85,000. He said he didn't know how much less, but definately less.

The office of Roni Lynn Deutch is not set up to handle clients, only to take their fees. I paid $4,000 up front (I'm pretty sure the entire "pre-qualification" process is only a ruse to see how much they can charge you for their fee!). I filled out all the paperwork and waited.

Weeks go by and then I'm told to fill out all the paperwork again. This basically happens over and over for 2 years.

If you try to call the office, you get a recording after being put on hold for at least 30 minutes. They do have someone (Not an attorney) return the call 2 days later but convieniently, they leave a message at home when you are at work so you have to do this process several times as well.

2 years later, they tell me they can't settle and are dropping the case. Meanwhile, penalties and interest have skyrocketed the balance due to well over $100,000!

After I was dropped by them, I was able to negotiate on my own with the IRS. It took a couple of weeks and the result was I could settle. Of course that's when I found this site and discovered I was not alone in this situation. The most frustrating thing is the the California Bar allows them to practice and no lawyer I have spoken with wants to take the case against them. Arrrgh!

Company: Law Offices Of Roni Lynn Deutch
Country: USA
State: California
City: Sacramento
Address: 4366 Auburn Blvd
Phone: 8003047267
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Roni Lynn Deutch
Law Offices Of Roni Lynn Deutch ripoff, lawsuit filed against the Law Offices of Roni Lynn Deutch and Roni Lynn Deutch, pay the IRS $20, "settle for pennies on the dollar" and "pay the IRS nothing" are false, misleading and deceptive

Law Offices Of Roni Lynn Deutch
Roni Lynn Deutch Law Offices took the last money I had ($4,300!) and did nothing to help me!

Roni Lynn Deutch - Roni Deutch
Roni Lynn Deutch Is An Unprofessional Tax Corporation I gave Roni Deutch Tax Attorney 5000.00 to settle my taxes and I still owe the IRS the same amount, they are a ripoff

The Law Office Of Roni Lynn Deutch
Rip-off fraud

Roni Lynn Deutch, A Professional Tax Corporation
Roni Lynn Deutch robs from consumer to give to Roni Lynn

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Roni Lynn Deutch Roni Lynn Deutch "tax Attorney" Took my money and ran

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Roni Lynn Deutchroni Lynn Deutch A Tax Corporation dropped like a hot potatoe

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Scott Juceam threatening phone call / Roni Deutch Roni Lynn Deutch tax attorney, HELP! Being harassed and sued frivolous law suit California

Roni Lynn Deutch
Stay away from these so call Tax Lawyers North Highlands, CA 95660

Roni Lynn Deutch
Ripoff They deceived me stating I should only pay $55.00 on a $38000.00 IRS debt